Take The Shot

Here is what happened last time on Death to the Mafia

I am getting my crew ready to take out the Irish-Italian son that Tony was supposed to kill. Stopping at a garage to get energy drinks for the night to stay awake, and there was a cop inside the shop. I decide to be friendly and pay for his items. He is happy and leaves the shop. We go to the location and set up to watch what is going on. The cartel leaves the yard, and we move in to take out the son. 

I radio Luigi;

"Hold. Guard is coming your way. Send Fabio around to take out the one inside first before engaging the one outside."

"Rodger, boss."

I tell Luigi;

"He is coming your way. Get to some cover?"

I keep watching Fabio while directing him to the guard inside the house;

"Okay. If you look through the window, you should see the guard a few yards away from you. You can take the shot."

I see the guard falls to the ground, not moving. I tell Luigi;