
Luna's Diary Arc - 2

September 4, 2112

Dear Diary,

I really don't want to go back to school tomorrow. I didn't even get to see jaxy this weekend. He's so busy all the time. I wish it was summer again so I didn't have to go to school and get made fun of by those two girls every day.

Mika and mei make fun of me all the time. Ken doesn't help. He just kinda watches with his face full of pity. I really hate pity and I wish there was a way to make everything stop

My nabers pity me. My "friends" pity me. I think even my mom pities me. I hate pity.

September 10, 2112

Dear Diary,

Today is Saturday, and I got to see jax We hugged and talked for a while instead of playing. I told him about the mean girls and he got really mad, saying he was gonna make them walk the plank for being mean to me. I laughed at that.

We hung out almost all day until it was time to go. I was really upset and he was too.

When I went home I played my pS some more. I wish I could slow down time so I didn't have to go back to school on Monday.

November 23, 2112

Dear Diary,

We are on Thanksgiving Brake. That means we get a week off of school so we can eat lots of food and be thankful. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a special day where we honor turkeys by killing them and eating them and giving thanks to God

I can't wait because I love sweet potatoes and I hope my mom will make me sweet potatoes.

Jax went on another vacation over this brake. He went to see his grand parents in nebeza. I dont know where nebesa is but I wish I could go there to see jax because he is my best friend and I miss him.

Decimber 11, 2112

Dear Diary,

I don't even know who I am writing to in this diary. I don't want to give it to anyone, even Foxy. He is my best friend but this diary is private. So I guess that means that I am writing it to older me? Ok.

How old are you, older me? I am seven, but almost ate.

Oh yeah that reminds me. My birthday is coming up soon on the nineteenth of Decimber. I can't wait to be ate!

Decimber 16, 2112

Dear Diary,

I can't wait! My birthday is in only three days. I can't wait until I turn ate!

Also we are on Christmas Brake again. That means no school.

Jax went skeeing for Christmas Brake. I really wish he was not rich so he had to stay home and then we could play pirates. All I do now is play my pS all the time.

Decimber 19, 2112

Dear Diary,

Yay! I am eight years old! (Mom said it is spelled like that, not ate.) I am so happy!

Jax sent me a birthday card. It had a drawing of him and me in pirate costumes. I liked it a lot.

I can't believe that it has been a year since I got this diary. It does not feel that long and I have not written a lot.

February 14, 2113

Dear Diary,

Today was Valentines day. In class everyone gave each other valentines.

Jax was on the bus today. He usually takes the car but today he was on the bus. I gave him my valentine that I made for him. It wasn't very pretty but I tried my best to make it. We got off at the stop and he walked with me. When we got to my house he started to get all weird and then he gave me a card from his pocket then ran off down the street to his house.

The card was a valentine. It wasn't from the store though. Jaxy made it himself. It had hart stickers and a picture of me and him smiling. It said, 'you're the best, valentine.'

My cheeks started to get really hot even though it was cold outside. I put the valentine from jax in the box with my pirate stuff in it so I won't lose it.

I also foind out jax plays piano! He is really good he plays a song name binks sake from a tv he use to watch! He said he has a friend name lucy back in his summer camp and they started watching together. I don't know why but i becam mad but I did not tell him because it was weird

June 3, 2113

Dear Diary,

School is finally out! Now I don't have to see Jennifer anymore! And I can play with Foxy a lot! I am so excited!

I went to the park with Foxy and we played tag. He always got me because he is so fast. He said he wants to do Cross Cuntry when he is older. I didn't know what that was and he said it was running a lot.

We played a lot of games like Pirates and Superheros. It started to get dark and we were really tired so we said goodbye and went home.

August 23, 2113

Dear Diary,

Summer is almost over. I am sad about that. I had a lot of fun with jsx and I wish school didn't exist so I could keep playing with him every day. Maybe if I am lucky he will be in my lunch or recess when I go to the midle school and then we can play like we did when I was in second grade and he was in third.

I really hope that mika is not in my class this year. She was in my class for two years and I think that is enough. Maybe I will get lucky and she won't even be in my lunch or recess. That would be really awsome.

Jax gave me the picture of the moon and the sun. He said it was us. I hugged him and told him thank you, then put it in the special box with the valentines and other cards and pirate costume.

November 29, 2113

Dear Diary,

I can't believe it is almsot my birthday again. I have not written a lot in this diary over two years. I need to stop losing it and write in it more.

Jax said he has nothing to do for Christmas break. That means I can play with him.

December 8, 2113

Dear Diary,

My birthday is next Tuesday and I am very excited. Today is the last day of school until Christmas Break. I am excited to play with jax in the snow.

Today I was so happy I didn't even care when mei called me weird for bouncing in my chair.

After school, jaxy and I talked about all the fun we were going to have over the break. It was really cold and I forgot my jacket. Jaxy was really kind and let me use his, even though that meant he had to wear nothing but short sleeves.

When I got home I realized I still had jax's fluffy jacket. I folded it as best as I could and put it on my bed. I was going to see him over the break so I would give it back to him soon.

December 19, 2113

Dear Diary,

It snowed today! It snowed on my birthday! It was so amazing, but it was also really cold. My mom got me a new diary, even though I haven't finished writing in this one yet. I love it anyway, though.

I can't believe I am nine years old now. Jax came over and he gave me a gift. It was a plush moon. I loved it so much and I set it on my bed. Jax and I played in the snow. We made snow angels, and we tried to make a snow man but we didn't have anything to make the face. It was just three snowballs with two sticks on the sides.

We had a snowball fight and he hit me in the face. I laughed and laughed even though it made my face really cold and red. After that I started getting really cold and I couldn't feel my fingers so we went inside jax's house and his mom made us hot cocoa. It was really delicious and it had little mini marshmallows floating in it. Jaxy's mom is very nice.

December 19, 2116

Dear Diary,

Ugh, sorry, I lost this for half of my 7th grade year. I found it for my birthday at least, right?

Anywho, I'm super excited right now. I got an fazon mindle for my birthday! It's this tablet looking device that can show you books. It's all in blackish grey and white.

My mom said she won it in a contest, but saved it to surprise me on my birthday. This means I can have tons of books on one little device, and that amazes me. I was a little upset about not getting a phone, but I think this is better in a way. The only downside is that this also counts as my Christmas gift.

I can call my friends on my house phone anyway. Well, I'm off to go get some books.

October 31, 2117

Dear Diary,

It's nearly midnight, and nearly November. Time sure flies.

Tonight, I went out with jax  for Trick-or-Treating. I don't even care how old I am - I'd dress up in costumes for candy every day if it was socially acceptable.

But dang, I couldn't help but notice how tall kax is now. He's about 6 foot, and combined with the new deep voice he got towards the end of his 7th grade year,

Anyway, I went as a robot,  jaxy was - you guessed it - a pirate, for like, the fourth year in a row. Old habits die hard. I'm not complaining though, he looked so cute.....

September 13, 2118

Dear Diary,

I think Freshman year has to be one of my favorite school years ever. I have friends, really good ones, and I'm hardly bullied besides the occasional rude guy who makes fun of everyone because he thinks it's cool.

I still haven't told my mom about the hideout. I guess I'm a little nervous about telling her that I frequent an old, dark, gloomy abandoned building. I don't want her to ban me from going there because then the other three will probably make more inside jokes and such when I'm not around, and then at lunch I won't be able to get into their conversations, and then we'll stop talking, and then I'll be a loner again.

I really hope I'm overthinking this.

December 19, 2118

Dear Diary,

Today was my 15th birthday. School was great.  I met a  new friend! She was a year older and her names was Tasha! She said she will introduce me to her brother soon!

When I got home, (I had decided to skip the hideout to spend time with my mom), my mom took me out so I could get my permit. I'll spare the boring details, but I can drive cars now, with an adult of course.

One more year and I can drive all on my own.

October 31, 2119

Dear Diary,

(I only write for big events like holidays and my birthday. I really am getting lazy.)

Today was Halloween. instead of trick-or-treating, we just hung out at the pizzeria. Jax brought a huge bag of candy, which he bought at the store, and we just ate that. All the while my mom thought I was trick-or-treating.

I still haven't told her about the hideout. And at this point, I don't think it matters anyway.

January 1, 2120

Dear Diary,

Another New Year's spent at the hideout.

Tasha played moppy over and over again. I swear I'm going to staple my ears shut. I love tasha to death, she's my best friend, but her music taste is terrible.