
About The First Arcs:


Hello,Thank you for reading my light novel! I hope you liked the first two arcs of it.

My name is Hayakawa Vien and I like to write about sex and stuff.

Yeah, quiet an intro right? I'm still a student for the most of you who are interested, anyway.

I'm into music and anime. (In case it's not obvious.)

My genre of writing is romance and cosmic horror. Right now, I'm improving my comedic writing for the sake of my current works.


I've planned this story back in 2016 and I'm just starting to merge and publish all my plans

The artworks presented are not mine. The idea, the characters itself belongs to me.

The reason why I merged the two arcs into one part is because the future arcs that will be coming are very long. And these two arcs are just the introduction for the main characters.

The next part is going to contain three arcs. And it's going to explore the new world of Dash. Of course, it's going to be expanding his character more as the first arcs were focused on Luna and Jax, the build up on their relationship is one of the main things in this novel.

The Lascice arc was to begin Dash's character as whole but so far he still hasn't shown his true self.

Now, let's begin with the arc names.

I named the first arc Luna's Diary because- well, it's told within Luna's diary. I wanted to advance the plot by starting from their childhood since I don't want to include tons of flashbacks in the middle of arcs.

The main thing to know in this arc is that it sets up Luna and Jax's relationship and how they grew up together. And the typos are intentional.

The second arc, Lascice, is called that because.... It's story began in their city, Lascice? I swear I'm going to improve the arc names.

This arc is about the upcoming reunion of the three. Lascice is the arc that establishes Dash's character since his appearance in Luna's Diary was pretty bland. I just threw him in because I needed a perfect trio for this novel and that's about it.


I used Solemn as the setting for this story. I wanted to make my own universe so whenever I start a new expansion, I won't have to worry about thinking about the place.

This is my world map if you are interested:

Okay there's a distance between these countries. They aren't all packed together okay? Good. We'll get in touch with Solemn soon. I'll be posting a map of Solemn so you can use them as a guide for my writing.


The next arc that I'm working on are:

Transfer Student's Month arc

Those two are the one's appearing in the next part so watch out! New characters will appear!

That's all for now! Thank you for reading!

Please vote and comment what you think.

I'll see you guys in the next about page!