Chapter 27 Coronation/Reunion

I finally got home and didn't feel good. So I called my boss to let him know I won't be in to work today. I was already 5 minutes late. I assumed that Rin knew what I was out to do by now. Grandma and Grandpa were out somewhere. I went to bed.

After Awhile I heard the door. I got up to let them know I was here. At first they were shocked then they saw my pale face. "You should get to sleep Kai. You look horrible." Said Grandma. "Yeah thanks." "You ok dad?" "I will be fine. I will get over this sickness don't worry." Alon and Malik. "You know Rin is going to worry whether you tell her or not right Kai." "Yeah I know. She is going to be disappointed and shocked as well." So I went to bed and stayed there until Rin came home.

Grandma told Rin I was in my room and didn't feel good. "OK thanks Grandma." Said Rin. Then the grandparents left and Rin told the boys to go to their room for a minute. That she had to talk to daddy. "OK mommy." Said Malik. "I'll make sure he stays in here mom." Thanks boys. So Rin went into the room, and Kai was asleep looking worse for wear. "Oh Kai. I hope you didn't do what I think you did." Said Rin. "Hmm. Rin is that you?" "Yes Kai its me." I woke up really fast and told her what I did. "Oh Kai. Why? I told you not too it would only cause trouble." "I know. I also knew it wouldn't make me feel better but I did it anyway. I hesitated at first because I heard Elias' voice in my head. He said don't do it. You will end up like them. That it really was his fault for jumping in and not thinking. I didn't care. I stuck the first man and poisoned him. Even if I had my proof they still kidnapped my kids. I couldn't take that so I did what I had too. I'll go to the coronation tomorrow. I will also go to the reunion. I will be staying with mom and dad for a bit. If they can't take what I did then stay with sea. If he can't take it, then I will most likely run away and no one will ever see me again." " I doubt mom and dad's would be good. I don't see that happening. As for Sea you can give it a shot. Now Kaia I can see her being ok with you. Maybe not ok with what you did, but she won't turn you away." "Thanks Rin. I'm sorry." "You should be apologizing to Pisces not me." "Yeah your right. Actually his place isn't far. I'm going to stay with them tonight. I'll meet you at the house in time for the coronation." "Ok Kai."

I swam over to Pisces place. I knocked on the door. (Knock Knock) Etan's mom opened the door. "He knew you would be here. He's in the room." So I thanked her and headed to the room Pisces was in. "Pisces." He looked up and was shocked at first. Then he turned away to try and ignore me. "You don't have to say anything. Just listen please." He didn't say anything which I assumed meant he was listening. "First I want to say I'm sorry. When I got home calmed down. I realize what I did and it made me sick to my stomach. I was so pale I could barely get out of bed. I told Rin about it and I told her I would be staying with Sea or Kaia for awhile. I Just thought you should know." I had my handle on the door when Pisces spoke. "The way you looked at me. It looked like someone in pain. Someone who murders because they are in pain. I understand you wanting to kill them. I would have wanted to as well. I would have never done it though. I didn't think you would." "Yeah neither did I. Then something snapped and I killed every one of them. It's the first time I ever took someone's life. I know I shouldn't ask this, but if you don't want me to I can go to the surface. I wanted to know if I could stay here just for tonight." "I will have to talk to Etan's mom. I don't have a problem with it." "I'll ask her. Pisces. I hope someday you will forgive me." Then I walked away to talk to Etan's mom.

"Hey Mrs. Smith. May I stay the night here for one night." "I don't see why not. Just don't scare Pisces again. I don't know what happened, but he was pretty scared his face was white." "I'm sorry I won't do it again." So I went in the room and told Pisces she said it was ok.

"That's good. I'll pull out the other bed. Oh and Kai?" "Yeah?" "Don't worry about me forgiving you. I knew you were in pain and didn't know what to do. I felt for sad than afraid. I forgave you the moment you did it." "Thanks man." So we slept through the night.

The next morning, I said goodbye to Pisces and thanked the mother for letting me stay the night. Then I headed to the door of my house. "Hey Rin. You guys ready?" I went inside the dome and put an air bubble around my kids and wife's mouth I turned and we were off to the castle.

We finally got to the castle, and we were finally able to breath humanly. Scarlet showed up and said, "Good you guys made it! Boys here are your clothes. Your room is the one on the right. Rin can stay here and I will help her with her dress." So we went to our rooms and dressed.

The boys and I came out and waited for Rin. Then Rin finally came out 10 minutes later and I was in awe. "Woah Rin. I haven't seen you this beautiful since our wedding day." "Oh Kai. Thank you." She kissed me on the cheek. "Rin. Not in front of the kids." "Hehe. Sorry kids." So I escorted her on one side, the boys escorted her on the other. We found seats reserved for us and sat down. Not long after, the ceremony started.

After a little sermonette, there was a "Now I crown you King Harkin ruler of the merpeople and creatures of the Sea." Then it was time to go to the ball room which was also for human breathers.

As I was walking with Rin, I heard a whisper in my ear by Harkin. "When we get to the ball room, I want to see you." I nodded then continued on in the ball room.

Once we got in the ball room, I said, "I will be right back Rin. I have some business with the new king. Stay with mom boys. Be good for mom. Find some girls your age to dance with. I already see a few." I went to the Kings office. I knew where everything was, I've been a few times.

"I know why you called me here Harkin. You must have heard from Pisces." "Yes he told me everything. Don't worry I won't kill you. I will have you monitored for 6 months as punishment. I know you have a reunion coming up. Also I heard from your wife you are staying up above for awhile. I have someone up there who is going to follow you everywhere. You already know him. Sea. He used to be an officer here. He will watch your every move." "Yes sir. Thank you, your majesty." "Oh and quit with the your majesty stuff. You know I don't like that with you." "Sorry. A force of habit. Do your brothers and Scarlet know?" "Yes and I told them to keep it a secret. The only ones who know are my siblings and my father. Lets go join the party now. Don't worry no one is here at the moment. They will escort you to the surface." I nodded. So we all stayed at the party and we all had a fun time.

It was finally time to go. I put air bubbles on my wife and kids mouths and said, "I will be staying with Sea for at least 6 months ok? I love you boys and Rin." I gave them a group hug and Malik was crying. I just turned and walked away. I could hear Rin and Alon try to comfort him. It really hurt but I had no choice.

"This is Zee. She will escort you to the surface." I swam and she followed me to the surface. "Thanks Zee. Sorry for all of this." "Its my job. Don't worry about it." So I got on land and Sea was already waiting for me. I saw Sea's face and he wasn't happy. I don't blame him. "He's here Cliff and Captain. I will take my leave for my house with him to explain the situation." "Ok Sea. Go easy on him." Said Cliff. "I will do what I can sir."

Once we got to Sea's house, we sat down and he started yelling at me. "What the hell were you thinking! You killed 4 men! I understand they took your kids but they said they weren't going to kill them! You even saw proof of what happened and still killed them! I understand if they were going to kill your kids, I know they still killed Elias." He started to calm down. "I probably would have done the same thing you did in your situation. If they did try to kill any family or friends of mine, they would get worse." "I just pierced the man who did the finishing blow on Elias, so he suffered. The other 3 didn't suffer much." "That's not the point Kai. You killed 4 men. Now you have to stay with me and I have to watch your every move for 6 months. Oh I have to tell you the rules. The only place you are allowed to go is to work, and here. If you want to visit home, I have to call the king. If you want to visit your mom and dad I will go with you. Those are the only places your allowed to go." "Yes sir."

It was finally the day of the Reunion. I wasn't too thrilled because of what happened. I was allowed to go as along as Sea was with me. Rin and our kids are supposed to come up as well. Hopefully someone was able to put an air bubble on them so they could come up. "Hey Sea. The Reunion is at 12:00 right? Shouldn't we leave now?" He looked at the time and said, "Oh crap! I got side tracked. Yeah let me get my house keys!" Then we left the house for the reunion on Kaia's ship.

When we got there, our kids and Rin herself were waiting for me. "Hey uncle Aiden. Where are your kids?" "Oh there around. I'm sure they heard you by now and will rush out here any moment." As on cue they ran right out and saw me. "Woah guys. Your not kids anymore. Slow down." We all laughed. "Its been a long time Kai." Said River. "Haha Yeah it has. Did you meet my boys yet?" "Yeah we have. Your wife introduced us." "Oh good. They were looking forward to meeting you." "Anyway do you guys have any kids wives or girlfriends yet?" "Yeah my wife is laying down in the room right now. We are expecting our first child." Said River. "Oh congrats. What about you Rush?" "I've got a girlfriend. She's at her place though on another port. She said she had things to do before she can leave the island." "Well good for you guys." Uncle Aiden. "What do you think about being a grandpa?" "haha. Don't get me started kid." Then everyone started laughing as well. We were having a good time.