That sneaky bastard

After closing the door of Azriel's room, the three siblings sat down. Azriel sat on the bed, while Aylin and Aelia sat on the couch.

Azrael looked at his fidgeting youngest sibling and said, "Aylin, what did you want to tell me?"

"Brother, how did you know that I wanted to say something?" asked Aylin in wonder.

Seeing the curious look on Aylin's face, he replied with an indulgent smile, "Well, with the way you were sneaking glances at me throughout the dinner, wasn't it obvious that you had something to tell me? Now, say what happened?"

Aylin glanced at her elder sister and explained the situation about the fake documents. The more he listened, the colder Azriel's face became.

He snickered, "Say, does this pair of mother and daughter not have a brain? We are the most powerful family in Phillon. Do they think that we have held this position in the country for more than a century just through our wealth? They came to scheme against our family with just a fake DNA result! Don't worry! I'll investigate the fake DNA results. Meanwhile, just keep a watch on them, so that they can't succeed with another of their despicable schemes."

Aelia and Aylin nodded their head in agreement.

Aylin had been extremely angry with Reine's obnoxious behaviour. Seeing that she finally had her big brother to vent to, she said with an aggrieved look on her face, "Big brother, did you know what that scheming girl try to do? She had tried to shamelessly exchange a plain-looking gown with the beautiful gown you sent to sister! Say, does she think..."

Azrael interrupted her with a frown, " Wait, what beautiful gown did I send?"

Aelia raised an eyebrow and asked with confusion, "Didn't you send the gown, brother? It even had the stamp from your military outpost! Say, did you, by any chance, forget that you had asked someone to select and send a gown for my birthday?"

Azrael scrunched his eyebrows and shook his head.

"I certainly did not send anyone to buy a dress for your birthday! I always handpick your birthday dress. See, this is the dress I selected for you!"

Saying this he retrieved a package from his luggage, which he had yet to unpack.

Aelia took out the gown from within the package. It was a lavender gown with a trumpet skirt and tulle capes. The body of the gown had intricate beadwork of little glimmering purple stars.

Seeing this gown, Aelia thought that this style was more per her brother's traditional choice. Now she suddenly felt sure that her brother would never choose a dress for her that would expose her back and shoulders. So she felt perplexed about the identity of the person who had sent the gown earlier.

Azrael too felt confused. He asked, "What other gown were you talking about?"

Aelia brought back the other gown from her bedroom and showed it to Azrael.

"Brother, here see this package also has a stamp from your military outpost! That's why we thought that it was you who send this!"

Azrael confirmed that the stamp was really from his outpost. He couldn't think of any person except that one obnoxious guy! When he thought of him and again checked the birthday card, he saw the words 'See you soon!' Seeing this, he felt extremely irritated and exclaimed angrily, "That sneaky bastard!"

Hearing this both Aelia and Aylin were confused.

Aelia said, "Brother, you know who sent me the gift. Tell me, who's it?"

Azrael huffed, "I'll tell you later! For tomorrow don't wear that gown, just wear the dress I bought for you, ok?"

"Ok brother! But who..."

Azrael cut her off with, "Ah! Look at the time! It's already ten p.m.! I'm feeling so tired! You girls too need your beauty sleep. Besides, Aelia you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. Go to bed quickly! Don't think too much about the Wilsons. I'll deal with them, ok? Good night!"

Saying this, he quickly pushed his sisters out the door.

Aylin exclaimed, "Sis, don't you think that brother was being weird just now?"

Aelia nodded and did not say anything else.

After returning to her room, she placed the dress given by her brother on her dressing table, while kept the other dress in her closet. She retrieved the birthday card from the package and after glancing at it, she kept it in the drawer of her bedside table.

After turning in for the night, she kept tossing and turning on the bed. She kept wondering about who had sent the dress earlier. She was sure that her brother knew that person. She wondered if it was one of her brother's military comrades, for the package had the stamp from the military outpost. She thought, 'But why would one of my brother's friends suddenly send me a gift? Perhaps to play a joke on him?" She thought the person who sent her the gift was really weird.

With all these thoughts swirling in her mind, Aelia eventually fell asleep.


Meanwhile, in the country of Delphia, a handsome young man in a regal uniform was looking at the sunset from a balcony while sipping wine from a glass. As the sun slowly sunk below the horizon, his blue eyes sparkled like radiant sapphire. He asked in a deep voice, "Julian, do you think she liked my present?"

A man who was standing behind him said respectfully, "Your Highness, I'm sure Her Highness would like your present. After all, you went to the boutique and selected the design yourself. The gown is also made from the world's finest chiffon and is designed by the world-renowned fashion designer, Sebastian Park. Since the gown was custom-made for Her Highness, there's only one of it in the world. "

The man in the regal uniform nodded with a small smile and said, "How are the preparations for my departure?"

The man named Julian replied, "Your Highness, your flight to Phillon will be ready to leave at 11 p.m. We'll board the plane at 10:45 p.m. As per your instructions, except the de Ville couple, none of the other members has been informed about your visit to Phillon."

"Ok! You can leave! Have the car ready for me at 10 p.m."

Julian nodded and answered with a "Yes, Your Highness!" Then he left the room.

The man in the regal uniform looked at the gradually darkening sky and thought with a smirk, 'My angel, we'll meet soon! Have you missed me in the last fifteen years?'