Can't Leave her Safety to Fate!

The next day, Asher again joined the Romanovs for breakfast.

This time, Reine did not make much of a commotion. She quietly had her breakfast and went to her room to call her mother and confirm their plans for the day.

After breakfast, while Asher was waiting in the drawing-room for Aelia to get dressed, Azrael sat down opposite him.

Asher raised an eyebrow in question and continued drinking his tea.

After staring at Asher for a moment, Azrael started, "Today, I got some news from Delphia! Julian told me that the Council has been requesting you to return as soon as possible, yet you have repeatedly refused to pay any heed to their advice."

After saying this, Azrael stopped and stared at Asher with a serious face.

Seeing that Asher did not attempt to refute anything, Azrael knew that it must have been true. He could only sigh in exasperation and try to change Asher's mind.

"Your Highness! I'm glad that you are so concerned for my sister's safety that you refuse to leave for Delphia without her. But, do you think the other Council members would have a good impression of Aelia, when they would think that it was her who was holding you back from your own responsibilities in Delphia?"

Hearing Azrael's question, Asher gave simply replied, "It doesn't matter whether they have a good impression of her or not! She's their Crown Princess and they have to show their respect to her!"

Hearing Asher's stubborn reply, Azrael felt like rolling his eyes. He could only try to coax him patiently, "Yes, they would have to, but don't you think, that showing their respect to her and Aelia herself gaining their respect, are two completely different things?"

Seeing Asher stay silent, Azrael knew that he was successful in indirectly arousing Asher's concern for his sister.

So, Azrael continued explaining to Asher, "Besides, as the Crown Princess and your closest confidant, Aelia needs to gain the loyalty of the Council members. It would be extremely harmful if the Council and the Royal Family is torn apart due to their unfavourable opinion of the Crown Princess!"

When Asher heard what Azrael said, he coldly replied, "Then they can keep their unfavourable opinions of my Angel to themselves. It's not like it's them who are getting married to her!"

Azrael felt very conflicted on hearing Asher's reply. He felt extremely relieved on realizing that no matter what happened, Asher would always support his sister. But, at the same time, as one of his two Advisors, he wondered if it was alright for the Crown prince of a country to be so infatuated with a woman!

Azrael decided to keep persuading the stubborn Prince. After all, as his Advisors, it was his and Julian's duty to restrain him from acting unreasonably.

Azrael knew that what Asher was most concerned about was his sister. So he decided to use her to persuade him to return to Delphia as soon as possible.

"Your Highness, you know that Aelia will already be facing prejudices from the Council for not being raised in Delphia. If you force them to accept her under the turbulent conditions when the Council is already unbalanced, it would create a greater crisis and might even affect my sister's safety."

Hearing this, Asher felt conflicted. He knew that though the present Council Members, the current heirs of the Ducal houses would not have many prejudices against his Angel, he was not so sure about the Heads of their families, the old Dukes of the other nine Ducal Houses of Delphia. After all, he knew that those sly old fools were already planning out various tests to see whether Aelia was deserving of the position of the Crown Princess.

When Aelia came down, she saw her brother and Asher having a serious conversation in the drawing-room.

Seeing the conflicted expression on Asher's face, Aelia asked them, "What's the matter? Did something happen?"

Azrael knew that if it was someone, it would only be his sister who would be able to persuade Asher to change his mind. So, Azrael explained the entire situation to her.

After Aelia finished listening to her brother, she turned to Asher and said, "You should return to Delphia. I understand your concerns about my safety, but since my brother is confident that I'll be safe, I think it'd be alright! Besides, I'm sure the Council must have their concern for suddenly calling you back."

Asher did not inform Aelia that he had not told the Council before leaving for Phillon. Since, he had also asked his other Advisor, Julian to not inform them about his whereabouts, he was sure that it was only recently that the other Council Members have pressured Julian into revealing his whereabouts.

Julian would have wept bitter tears if he had known that his Crown Prince was holding him responsible for his current predicament.

When Azrael saw that Asher was not still not fully convinced to return to Delphia, he sighed and finally decided to compromise.

"Fine! If you don't want to return to Delphia alone, then let's return together tomorrow!"

Though Azrael wanted his sister to have a normal carefree lifestyle, for as long as possible, he knew that it was time to let go.

He also knew that Aelia would be worried about leaving, without resolving the matter about the Wilsons. So, before Aelia could even open her mouth about her concerns, Azrael turned to her and explained, "I'm almost done with my investigations about the fake DNA report. We can confront the Wilsons and resolve this matter in the evening."

Hearing this Aelia sighed in relief. Now, she could go to Delphia, without having any concerns about anything related to her family in Phillon.

Asher too felt relieved after hearing that his Angel could return with him. It was actually not that he did not believe that Azrael could not protect Aelia and keep her safe. Asher knew that this brother of his Angel was overly protective of the two sisters and would do anything for them.

It was just that if he himself didn't accompany his Angel to Delphia, he could not rest assured. Asher was worried that something could happen to his Angel during the journey and he would be too far away to save her from the danger. Besides, they hadn't even been able to figure out the identity of the enemy yet. Asher did not want to leave his Angel's safety in the hands of fate. He had to be present near her in order to be assured.