Chapter 15 – Responding to Opportunities

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Tier 1 : Genin = These are the Genin that are fresh out of the academy. They have potenial to become Chunin and Jonin. General Benefit - Access to all previously posted chapters 5 chapters ahead of all other platforms

Teir 2: Chunin = These are strong Chunin who can become strong Jonin such as Pre-six paths Obito, Iruka sensei and Choji. General Benefit - Access to all previously posted chapters. Access to previous bonus content 10 chapters ahead of web novel on other platforms

Tier 3: Jonin =These are the strong Jonin who have the potential to become Hokage and Kage rank Ninjas e.g Might guy, Rock Lee and Shikamaru. General Benefit - Access to all previously posted chapters Access to previous bonus content In total 15 chapters ahead of other platforms

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"Makoto, what's the matter?" Maruboshi Kosuke who saw Makoto Uchiha's face suddenly changed, felt a little strange.

"Ah, nothing." Makoto Uchiha smiled.

He suddenly remembered that there were Sensory Ninjas in the opponent's team, and he did not know which one it was. If he made a move and warned them now, he would let the enemy go.

They had the Yellow Flash on their Team, as long as the enemy gets close, none of them can run away.

The closer the enemy, with Minato Namikaze's strength, he will be able to spot them immediately, without his warning.

Thinking of this, Makoto Uchiha winked at Maruboshi Kosuke, and his eyes moved left and right.

Maruboshi Kosuke immediately reacted, his eyes changed slightly, but he did not notice any abnormality.

"By the way, Kosuke-senpai, when did you become a Genin?" Makoto Uchiha casually talked to Marusoshi Kosuke. He scratched his cheek with his left hand and put his right hand on the palm of his left hand seemingly inadvertently.

Then, his right hand quickly drew a circle on the palm of his left hand and then turned the palm of his hand again.

Maruboshi Kosuke immediately understood Makoto Uchiha's signal, and then said, "I'm in my forties, so I remember it. Anyway, it's been a long time. Juro and Tou are a few years younger than me. Would you like to ask them? "

Having said that, Maruboshi Kosuke winked at Makoto Uchiha again.

Makoto Uchiha shook his head and said, "I was just asking. There is no need to ask the two seniors for such trivial matters."

"Haha, is it?" Maru Xing Gusuke laughed.

At this time, Makoto Uchiha continued to release his [Blood Hunt] skill. In his line of sight, the enemy had reached a position about fifty meters away and stopped.

"By the way, Senior Kosuke, tomorrow will we begin at 12 o'clock, or 1 o'clock, or 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, or 10 o'clock?" Makoto Uchiha asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Maruboshi Kosuke smiled.

"If you want me to choose, just 6, 9, or 10." Makoto Uchiha narrowed his eyes.

"You will leave the rest for me to choose? Have you decided?!" Maruboshi Kosuke frowned: "Then I will choose 12, 1, and 2, but what should I do about the times that remain?"

"Leave them to me." The voice of Minato suddenly sounded from the tent.

"Hands!" Makoto Uchiha's lips moved slightly, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, he instantly activated his Sharingan. Almost at the same time, he drew out Sky Sword, and Chakra burst out instantly and rushed directly to the southwest.

Maruboshi Kosuke did not slow down at all, rushing to the north, i.e 12 o'clock.

As soon as the two moved, the enemy found out they were exposed.

Wind Style·Vacuum Blade!

Makoto Uchiha slammed his Sky Sword forward, and a large and dense Wind Blade shot out, and with all his strength, he cut down a large tree directly in front of him.

At this moment, three screams in extremely short intervals came from the east.

So fast!

Makoto Uchiha was shocked, knowing that it was Minato Namikaze who had moved. He had not come into direct contact with the enemy on this side, and the battle on that side had been resolved.

Lightning Style·Go!

After learning that they had been exposed, Hidden Cloud Ninjas immediately launched a counterattack and quickly used ninjutsu.

Several Lightning style attacks struck Makoto Uchiha.

Makoto Uchiha leaped into the air when he saw it, but two Cloud Ninjas holding Ninja swords appeared next to him.

Just when the two were about to attack him, Makoto Uchiha quickly made a hand seal and a Shadow Clone appeared beside him.

The Shadow Clone crossed his hands and his body became horizontal in the air. Makoto Uchiha took advantage of the Shadow Clone as a foothold and stepped on the Shadow Clone's body. His figure suddenly rose, avoiding the blows of the two Hidden Cloud Ninjas.

At the same time, he made a seal again.

Wind Style·Great Breakthrough!

The violent wind attacked the Hidden Cloud Ninja in the distance, preventing the opponent from supporting their teammates.

When Uchiha Makoto's body fell from the air, his feet attached him to a big tree, and then he swung the Sky Sword in his hand.

Konoha Style Swordsmanship: Dance of the Three Suns and Moon!

Three identical Makoto Uchiha appeared in the air, and at the same time attacked the two Hidden Cloud Ninjas who had fallen.

Upon seeing this, the two used Lightning Style to attack Makoto Uchiha at the same time.

The Hidden Cloud Ninjas who are also good at swordsmanship had naturally seen Konoha Style Swordsmanship long ago.

Since there is a real body hidden between the three fake bodies when using the sword art, it is best to attack at the same time, and the real body and fake body will be attacked together.

However, when their Lightning Style attacked Makoto Uchiha, the three Makoto Uchiha disappeared at the same time.

"Not good!"

The expressions of the two Hidden Cloud Ninjas changed suddenly, but it was too late.

Two cold lights flashed, and the two of them fell with panic in their eyes, covering their throats.

When Makoto Uchiha looked towards the last person, the other person had already left his sight.

However, he did not leave his [Blood Hunt]'s perception range.

Especially when the opponent was slightly injured by his attack just now, the effect of [Blood Hunt] was even more obvious.

When choosing the enemy just now, Makoto Uchiha deliberately chose the direction of the Sensory Ninja.

As for the Wind Style Ninjutsu-Great Breakthrough released just now, in addition to delaying time, it was also to deliberately attack the enemy.

"Makoto! Is there another enemy?" Minato appeared in front of Uchiha Makoto.

So fast!

Makoto Uchiha was taken aback and saw that it was Minato. He immediately put down his guard and said, "He left."

"Ran away? No!" At this time, Juro Watanabe, Izawa Sakamoto, and Tou Ogata also rushed over, and their expressions suddenly changed when they heard that one was escaping.

They woke up just now when the three, Uchiha Makoto, Minato Namikaze, and Maruboshi Kosuke took action.

It was just that before they could take action, Makoto Uchiha, Minato Namikaze, and Kosuke Maruboshi finished the battle.

But if they let one go, there will be trouble.

"Escape? Makoto, you deliberately let him escape didn't you." Minato Namikaze immediately reacted to Uchiha Makoto's words.

He had woken up when the enemy came into contact with the Thunder God Kunai, which was buried under the trap, but he was inferior to Makoto Uchiha who was the first to spot the enemy.

Thinking of this, Minato Namikaze asked in surprise: "Makoto, are you a Sensory type?"

"Yes." Makoto Uchiha nodded, "In previous wars and missions, Hidden Cloud Village has never had a Ninja who voluntarily surrendered.

Even if the captured Ninjas were tortured, they did not disclose their secrets. Many captured Ninjas committed suicide before they had time to search their memories, so it was useless to capture them alive. "

"So, you have a way to track down the Ninja who just ran away and let him take us to find other Cloud Ninja." Minato Namikaze looked at Makoto Uchiha with admiration.

When Minato Namikaze used the Flying Thunder God to move, the moment he saw the Cloud Forehead Protector, he didn't think about keeping them alive.

Firstly, he is not good at torture and interrogation, secondly, it is extremely difficult to obtain information from Hidden Cloud Ninja, and besides, they are on a secret Mission this time and cannot be exposed.

But for Makoto Uchiha who could think so well in such a short time, Minato Namikaze could not help but look at him differently. This younger generation of the Uchiha Clan was quite outstanding.

"Then will we track them now?" Sakamoto Izawa was also in admiration of Makoto Uchiha, the newly promoted Jonin.

"No!" Makoto Uchiha shook his head, "The opponent is also a Sensory Ninja. Since they had Sensory Ninjas in their team, obviously the number of people in the team should be more than the nine who attacked us today.

This should only be the Scout Unit responsible for the investigation. It happened by accident that they found our camping site here and they came to sneak attack.

If we follow him immediately, it is easy to be spotted, and although the other party successfully escaped, it is also possible for him to find out that we let him go on purpose.

Although I guess that the possibility of this happening is very low, we must be careful to prevent him from deliberately fooling.

My suggestion is we track him down after an hour so that the other party can relax their vigilance and take advantage of the situation to find the other party's base camp.

Hm? Why are you doing looking at me like this? "

After Makoto Uchiha analysed and came up with a strategy, he found that Juro Watanabe, Izawa Sakamoto, and Tou Ogata all looked at him with surprise.