Chapter 28 – Reflection And Prestige


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Tier 1 : Genin = 5 chapters ahead of all other platforms

Teir 2: Chunin = 10 chapters ahead of all other platforms

Tier 3: Jonin = 15 chapters ahead of all other platforms

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After destroying the enemy in his area, Makoto Uchiha immediately led reinforcements to support the nearest base.

But when he arrived there, it was already too late.

There was no living person in the entire stronghold.

The fight had not even lasted for very long but Konoha had already suffered huge losses.

Three watchtowers were destroyed, the defending Ninjas in two bases were eradicated, and the total casualties exceeded 100.

However, the loss of Hidden Rock was even greater. Only preliminary statistics show that Hidden Rock Ninjas had left more than 400 corpses behind, including six Jonin and more than 200 Chunin.

Of course, half of them were all slain by his sword, including 4 Jonin.

For Hidden Rock, who is good at obtaining victory through their greater numbers, the deaths of Chunin and Genin is not a big loss, but it was the deaths of the Jonin which hurt.

Especially the two people, Shiraishi and Donglin, one is Hidden Rock's Elite Jonin, and the other is a backbone who is good at planning and scheming, but they didn't expect for them to fall.

Unexpectedly, Makoto Uchiha did not rely on his base to defend, rather, he left the base and eliminated the enemy Ninja until they retreated.

At dawn, he returned to his tent to rest with a tired face and began to reflect on what he did.

Since participating in the Battle of Kikyo Pass, Makoto Uchiha has developed the habit of reflecting on the battle process after every life and death battle, which is more conducive to his progress.

"Sure enough, every Jonin is not a simple character. To deal with the four Jonin who was injured by Warwick and who had consumed most of their Chakra, I had to use all my means to kill them."

Makoto Uchiha sat cross-legged on the mattress and began to recall the battle tonight.

In the end, it seemed that he could easily kill the four Jonin with a single swing, but that was because the four of them did not have much Chakra remaining.

As a result, they did not put up much resistance after dodging their final struggle.

And he also succeeded with a surprise attack when he used the Uchiha Style Moon Shine.

This technique is close-up swordsmanship. It not only needs one to accumulate momentum and Chakra which bursts in an instant, but it also puts a heavy load on the body and requires extremely high speed, which one reaches by burning lots of Chakra.

Although [Endless Blade] and [Blue BUFF] can recover Chakra, the stamina he consumes will not be recovered in battle.

No matter how high his endurance is, he is still a human being after all and still has a limit. In the face of high-frequency and high-intensity combat, he still needs to rest.

"But what's the matter with Hidden Rock's Chunin and Genin, why are they so weak?! It is reasonable to say that they should not be weak and so easy to kill, after all, they cannot be cannon fodder sent to die…No! They are cannon fodder."

Makoto Uchiha recalled the Hidden Rock Ninjas tonight. Except for the strong Chunin and Jonin, the remaining middle and lower rank Chunin and Genin were very weak, and he killed them with a few tricks.

Generally speaking, even if his current strength is in the forefront of Jonin, he can at most rely on his equipment to defeat or kill a single Elite Jonin.

Without Warwick's assistance, he could only defend and retreat if he fought the 4 Elite Jonin together.

It is not that he is not strong, but that the enemy is not weak.

Makoto Uchiha is only 15 years old, and Hidden Rock's four Jonin are in their thirties. They are at the peak of their strength and have much more combat experience than him.

Judging from the last coordinated attack of the four, it was impossible to kill more than one of them. If he did not have [Wind Barrier] as a trump card, he would not succeed so easily.

After all, not everyone is as fast as Minato and cannot dodge his attacks and then counterattack in multiple directions at the same time.

Generally speaking, 6 or 7 Middle-Rank Ninjas, can hold back one ordinary Upper-Rank Ninja, and even kill them.

As for the reason why Hidden Rock's Ninja's combat power was so low, he soon figured out.

Hidden Rock wanted to fight a war of attrition, just to drag Konoha down.

In terms of quantity or quality, Hidden Rock cannot compare to Konoha.

Naturally, it is not as strong as Konoha, but Konoha is not only fighting against Hidden Rock Village.

As long as Konoha, on the Northwestern battlefield appears to be declining or even defeated, Hidden Cloud, Rock and Mist will not hesitate to act, even the surrender Hidden Sand will not back down.

He recalled that in the original work, Sasuke, who had just graduated at the age of 12, had been educated by the Uchiha clan when he was young. He was the top among those who graduated with him. When he was tested by Kakashi, he used a C-Class Fire Style Ninjutsu which surprised Kakashi as this is something only a general Chunin can do.

In later Missions, when the two Ninja from the Hidden Mist attacked, Sasuke easily blocked their attacks.

With Sasuke's background and quality as a Ninja, Makoto Uchiha now can easily defeat him on the same level because of his Vacuum Blade and other techniques, Sasuke would no even be able to touch the corners of his clothes.

After all, not many people can use A-Class swordsmanship as an ordinary technique like Makoto Uchiha.

As for the Sasuke, when dealing with the Hidden Rock Ninja who came tonight, Makoto Uchiha predicted that Sasuke would only be able to defeat 4 or 5 Ninjas before dying.

The overall quality of the opponent is too low.

It's not that a Ninja in wartime is necessarily better than a Ninja in peacetime.

This can be regarded as a shortcoming of the military merit system during the war.

Because the people in the frontline are almost dead, and those who are alive will always be promoted, the Village would supplement its Chunin and Nonin with the surviving Ninjas who are close to that Rank.

The more powerful people died, and the rest make up the numbers.

In the view of Makoto Uchiha, at least 100 of the Hidden Rock Ninjas who attacked tonight only reach the level of an Academy Student.

They can only use basic Taijutsu, the basic Ninjutsu as well as throwing weapons, these Ninja may be able to fight off a few civilians, but against a veteran Ninja, they would only become corpses.

After all, other Ninja villages don't have the training system of Konoha Village. Many of the enemy Ninja don't have much training before being sent to the battlefield.

Just like after the Battle of Kikyo Pass, if Makoto Uchiha who survived was just an ordinary Ninja, then after he was promoted, he would be the weakest among his Rank, he would also most likely die when he faces others of the same Rank.

"Hidden Rock's Chunin and Genin are indeed relatively weak, but multipl strongholds and positions were captured at the same time tonight. The opponent's number of Jonin is much more than us, it seems there will be a fierce battle soon."

Tonight's battle did not make Makoto Uchiha complacent nor did he relax his vigilance.

After analysing the course of the battle, Makoto Uchiha began to check his harvest tonight.

This battle brought him 1786 Gold Coins and 5 pieces of Basic Equipment.


In the next ten days, Hidden Rock launched three attacks one after another, all of which were repelled by Konoha.

However, Konoha's original garrison of nearly 500 people now only has more than 200 people left.

The loss of Hidden Rock is several times that of Konoha, but their troops and supplies are being continuously transported through the Land of Grass and Kannabi Bridge.

The two sides fought bloody battles, an Uchiha boy, with a sword in his hand, blocked Hidden Rock's offensive, again and again, the number of Hidden Rock Jonin who fell at his hands was close to 10.

At the age of 15 years old, he got the nickname 'Royal Wind Sword Saint'.