Chapter 33 – Instant Kill! Yellow Flash Joins The Battle!

For those who want to read ahead upto 15 chapters please support me and go to:


Tier 1 : Genin = 5 chapters ahead of all other platforms

Teir 2: Chunin = 10 chapters ahead of all other platforms

Tier 3: Jonin = 15 chapters ahead of all other platforms

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The autumn wind blew and the setting sun looked like blood.

Makoto Uchiha leaned back in his position dishevelled.

The fighting lasted from noon to evening.

Under their tenacious resistance, the enemy paid a painful price.

Today, the number of Hidden Rock Ninjas left number a bit more than 200.

On the other hand, they (Konoha) only had 40 Ninja left.

This was the result achieved with Makoto's support and strong combat power.

Despite equipping a lot of good Equipment, Makoto Uchiha still felt exhausted physically and mentally.

Equipment can restore his physical strength and his Chakra, but it cannot restore his exhausted spirit.

After all, this exhaustion is a kind of mental fatigue.

From noon to the present time, he rushed forth, again and again, he would appear in all parts of the battlefield, providing support and assistance in the defence and offence, though he would also witness his comrades fall as well.

Although most people may not even know his name, they still were in awe of his power.

At the age of 15 years old, he has such strength where he can even change the entire battlefield, in their eyes, is already remarkable and terrifying.

But Makoto Uchiha still felt helpless.

He is not strong enough.

With such strength, he still has no way to protect himself and his family in the future.

Even if he worked hard to train and never let up for a moment, and had a lot of Equipment equipped, it was still not enough.

As long as a Kage level Ninja appears, he can only escape.

Facing the full attack of Hidden Rock Ninja, he was also slightly injured in many places all over his body.

"Huh~" Uchiha Ryosuke was lying next to Makoto Uchiha, his right chest wrapped with thick gauze.

In the battle just now, despite Makoto Uchiha's care and help, he was still injured his right chest and was stabbed by the enemy.

Uchiha Ryosuke was able to react at the last second and moved back a little, which, fortunately, saved him from a deep wound and having his lung penetrated and dying from blood loss.

As a strategic resource, Medic Ninjas will not go directly to the battlefield unless they are good at fighting.

So they could only give Ryosuke Uchiha some emergency treatment and then retreat to the back for comprehensive treatment.

If they dragged it for longer, Ryosuke Uchiha will be in danger.

"Makoto-Kun, Makoto-kun!" Uchiha Ryosuke's eyes were a little droopy as if he was about to fall asleep.

"Hey! Ryosuke! Don't sleep!" Makoto Uchiha saw that Uchiha Ryosuke was about to fall asleep and hurriedly called.

Ryosuke Uchiha suddenly grabbed Makoto Uchiha by the arm, "Makoto! Makoto! Promise me! If I die, remember to take care of my Mother and Sister!

Izumi is very close to you! Although she is only 5 years old and ten years younger than you, she will be a great beauty in the future!

If you are my brother-in-law, I can still accept it! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Uchiha Ryosuke's neck crooked, his eyes closed, his face pale.

"Hey! Don't sleep!" Makoto Uchiha's face sank, and he quickly put his hand on Ryosuke Uchiha's neck to check his pulse.

He found that Uchiha Ryosuke's breath was weak, but his pulse was still normal.

Seeing that he just fainted, Makoto Uchiha felt relieved.

But soon his face turned black again, the enemy had launched another attack!

Makoto Uchiha's eyes narrowed, his iris instantly turned scarlet. The two Tomoe in his Sharingan rotated and moved, making space for a third Tomoe to appear.


Half an hour later, Makoto Uchiha returned to the battlefield again. At this time, there were only 15 people beside him who were injured and unable to move.

Of course, the enemy suffered heavy losses, they only had 100 Ninja left.

However, Makoto Uchiha did not relax at all, because the rest of Hidden Rock Ninjas are strong, all those who had died were weak!

"Warwick has to rest due to using 'Berserk', so I will be unable to summon him, there are about there is no way to summon him. And about 100 enemies are remaining. Dozens of them are Chunin, this will be dangerous!" Makoto Uchiha calmly analysed.

"Makoto! You retreat with the wounded!" Mimura Hamaki, who was squatting on the side, suddenly said to Makoto Uchiha.

Makoto Uchiha frowned, "Captain Hamaki."

"You are just 15 years old and are so powerful, you can't die in vain on the battlefield! Let us deal with the rest! We will buy you time!" Mimura Hamaki said solemnly.

Yamato, who had a broken arm, nodded, and a smile appeared on his pale face, "Makoto-Kun, although we have only worked together for a short period, I am glad to have met you! Go!"

Makoto Uchiha looked hesitant. He could fight on but he would be unable to protect the wounded.


Just when Makoto Uchiha was going to decide what to do, a tall figure suddenly appeared beside him.


Makoto Uchiha's eyes condensed, his Imperial Sky Sword which was sheathed on his back was unsheathed as he swung it at the enemy.

"Wait! It's me!"

A familiar voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, Makoto Uchiha felt as if he was a thirsty man who had encountered an oasis in the desert, he looked surprised:

"Minato-Senpai! You are finally here!"

"I'm sorry, the enemy was blocking the way and I was a little late! What's the current situation?" Minato Namikaze expressed an apologetic expression on his face, and then he looked serious.

Makoto Uchiha said solemnly: "Currently, we have 22 Ninja remaining, of them, 7 are injured and unable to fight, the remaining 15 Ninja are moderately injured but still possess enough strength to fight. At present, only Soren and Captain Hamaki…10 people in total have full combat power. The enemy, however, have 100 Ninja, they have at least 10 Jonin and of the Ninja left, half of them are Chunin!"

"A 100 people? It's not a lot, two goes should be enough." Minato nodded when he heard this.

He put down the backpack behind him, and then took out all the special kunai from his Ninja bag and Sealing Scroll.

"Please throw all these kunai towards the enemy, leave the rest to me!"

Minato pointed to where the Hidden Rock Ninja were hiding on the opposite side.

"This is too messy! The other party still has a lot of Shinobi!" Shintaro Yoshii's face changed when he heard this.

As a newly promoted Jonin, although he has heard of the name of the Yellow Flash Minato Namikaze, he has never fought with him.

"Stop talking! Do as he said! Then you can see the Yellow Flash in battle, don't blink, the battle will be over in an instant!" Mimura Hamaki on the side, as an old comrade of Minato naturally understood how terrifying he is.

Makoto Uchiha spoke: "Senior Minato, can you take people with you using the Flying Thunder God technique."

"Yes." Minato nodded.

"Then take me with you! I can still fight now, and I won't hold you back!" Makoto Uchiha said with a serious expression.

Minato Namikaze frowned and said in deep thought: "Well, you come to me!"

"Yes!" Makoto Uchiha came to stand beside Minato.

The reason why he wants to accompany him is that on the one hand, he wants to support Minato Namikaze, and on the other hand, more importantly, he wants to observe him fight up close as well as the usage of the Flying Thunder God Technique, after all, he is still obsessed with this BUG-Class Ninjutsu, once he learns it, it'll be more useful than [Rusrrection Armour].

At this time, the rest of the Ninja on the battlefield all stood up.

They threw all of the Kunai Minato had given them to the enemy's position.

When the enemy saw that there were only hundreds of kunai thrown, someone in the team suddenly shouted: "Konoha's Ninjas are dead, they don't even have Ninjas to use and can only throw weapons!"

Kunai was scattered all around them.

When the commander of the Hidden Rock Forces, a Jonin heard these words, he first felt Victory was at hand, but when he glanced at the Kunai, his expression suddenly changed and terror appeared in his eyes.

"No! Hurry..."

Before he could finish his words, two figures, one tall and one short, suddenly appeared in their position. The tall one had blond hair, he was tall and handsome, while the short one had black hair and a stern look on his handsome face. He had three rotating Tomoe in his scarlet eyes.

"It's the Yellow...Ah~"

The Commander only saw a flash of yellow light before feeling slight pain in his neck and soon, lost consciousness.




The screams of the Hidden Rock Ninjas continued to be heard from their position, but the only difference was that there was no gap between screams, they were happening every instant.


Makoto Uchiha pulled out his Imperial Sky Sword that had been inserted into the enemy's heart, looked at the corpses around him, he then looked at Minato Namikaze standing in the crowd.

His eyes were full of shock.

3 Seconds!

In 3 Seconds, Minato Namikaze had ended the battle.

His Sharingan could not capture the movements of Minato Namikaze.

He did his best to get rid of merely 12 Hidden Rock Shinobi.

All the remaining Hidden Rock Jonin and Ninja were defeated by Minato Namikaze.

Just now Shintaro Yoshii felt that there was a wave of chaotic screams, but at this moment, his eyes were wide open, his mouth grew unconsciously, such that you'd fit a peach in there.

"Is this... the Yellow Flash?"