Chapter 37 – Therapy To Help Kakashi Recover

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Konoha December 24, Year 47.

It has been more than a month since Minato Namikaze became the Fourth Hokage, and Year 47 of Konoha is about to end.

After Minato Namikaze came to power, Makoto Uchiha who was previously leisurely living life, gradually became busy.

In fact, Minato Namikaze who is in a high position still had some opposition. Some discontent voices in the Village argued he was still too young to become Hokage.

However, in Makoto Uchiha's view, most of these were deliberately spread by those with ill intentions.

Danzo has the highest probability of spreading these rumours, after all, not only has he coveted the position of Hokage for a long time but he also previously supported Orochimaru for the position of Hokage to gain more power.

However, Minato Namikaze is a little uncomfortable with Danzo. After becoming the Fourth Hokage, their contradictions have intensified. In just over a month, the two have quarrelled many times in high-level meetings.

These are what Makoto Uchiha saw with his own eyes.

Because of his active performance in the Hidden Rock battlefield and the respect of Minato, he now serves as one of the Hokage's Guard.

He is eligible to participate and attend high-level meetings, and he is the youngest in history to do so.

However, this was also attacked by Danzo, but under Minato's tough attitude, he eventually relented.

Minato Namikaze started reforms as soon as he took office. Many of his suggestions would help Konoha restore its vitality and strength, but those suggestions were met with opposition.

Even the Third Hokage who supported his succession opposed Minato Namikaze's big moves, he thought he should focus on prudence and slowly implement reforms.

Minato Namikaze was different from these higher-ups. He was born at the bottom and walked up step by step. He understands many things these higher-ups don't about the suffering of those at a lower status in Konoha.

However, in the face of the higher-ups' opposition, he found that although he became the Fourth Hokage, there were very few people who supported him and the power he could exercise was limited.

Konoha's Anbu is under the control of the Third Hokage and Danzo. Although the Third abdicated, most of his power among the Anbu has not been handed over to Minato Namikaze.

In Uchiha Makoto's opinion, on the one hand, Minato values him, and on the other hand, there were not many things Minato could do even if he valued him.


Bang bang bang!

In an inaccessible dense forest, the sound of fists and hitting fists continued to ring.

Makoto Uchiha is in a fierce spar with Kakashi.

The two did not use Ninjutsu but only used Taijutsu for the battle.

But despite using only Taijutsu skills, Kakashi was a lot weaker than Makoto.

Makoto Uchiha's Spiritual Power continued to grow as a result of practising [Endless Path], coupled with the evolution of his Sharingan into a 3 Tomoe, his Spiritual Power had further improved.

With the improvement of his Spiritual Power, he found that his reaction speed was also faster.

Kakashi's attacks were all easily seen through and avoided by him.


Makoto Uchiha punched at Kakashi's chest, seeing Kakashi couldn't dodge, however, he hurriedly opened his five fingers, changed his fist into a palm, and slapped Kakashi on the chest.

Ding-Ding Ding!

Kakashi who was hit by Makoto Uchiha took 7-8 steps back before falling on his butt.

He was sweating profusely, he was sitting on the grass out of breath without getting up.

The battle between the two has been going on for a long time.

And Makoto Uchiha, who was standing opposite Kakashi, just felt that the warm-up had just ended.

Kakashi will not be able to carry on before taking a break.

"Kakashi, you didn't have such a bad Taijutsu strength before."

Kakashi sat on the ground, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said, "I don't know why. Recently, I always feel that my body is weaker."

Makoto Uchiha who heard him looked at the left eye covered by Kakashi's Forehead, and frowned:

"You are not from the Uchiha Clan, and you don't have the blood of our Clan, you have no way of deactivating the Sharingan, while it is in use, the Sharingan constantly consumes Chakra, and your Sharingan is constantly activated and therefore consume your energy for 24 hours.

Covering it with your Forehead Protector will reduce Chakra consumption, but the effect is not that great. "

The Sharingan's ocular abilities are equivalent to a passive skill. As long as you open your eyes and see something, you will automatically gain that ability, and your reaction speed increases as everything you see slow down.

In particular, the 3 Tomoe Sharingan can replicate the actions of the enemy, which also consumes more Chakra.

Kakashi uses his Forehead Protector to cover his Sharingan, this is equivalent to closing his eyes and not using these passive abilities, but as long as his other eye is open, it will consume his Chakra and physical strength.

He recalled that in the Original, Kakashi was 12 years old when he became a Jonin.

After getting the 3 Tomoe Sharingan, although he obtained the Title, 'Konoha's Copy Ninja Kakashi', for more than ten years after gaining the Sharingan, his strength increased very slowly.

Kakashi, who obtained his achievements partly because of his Sharingan, was also restricted by it, such that it decreased and damaged his talent.

Hearing Makoto Uchiha's explanation, Kakashi touched his left eye covered by his Forehead Protector, and said in a deep voice, "This was given to me by Obito. Even if it doesn't suit me, I won't abandon it. I want to take him to see the future of the Ninja World."

Makoto Uchiha smiled and said, "Don't worry, although some people in the Clan have asked to take back your Sharingan, the Patriarch has already said that they must respect the will of Obito and that no one is allowed to you!

I also do not want you to give up your Sharingan, rather, I want to think of ways to reduce the impact of the Sharingan on you.

Otherwise, with continuous consumption of your Chakra, your strength and physical development will be affected.

I will help you ask the Clan.

Also, Minato-Senpai is good at Sealing, maybe there is a way to help you temporarily solve this problem.

Kushina-Senpai was born in the Uzumaki Clan, and Minato-Senpai learned his SeaRing Techniques from her, she may also have a way."

"Lady Kushina?" Kakashi muttered to himself.

Seeing Kakashi's deep mood, Makoto Uchiha was also helpless.

After all, many things like psychological trauma are very difficult to cure in the present and future.

"Kakashi, I have also encountered situations like you, but at the time I had a normal relationship with my teammates, so it didn't last long.

I cannot just say a few words and make you let go of your dead teammates, but I'm sure your dead teammates certainly don't want you to see you like this.

Even for them, you have to cheer up.

Although time is the best medicine to heal wounds, don't spend too much time.

Think of Minato-Senpai, he also desperately needs your help now. "

Makoto Uchiha comforted Kakashi with all his heart.

At Minato Namikaze's request, he wanted to help Kakashi.

Makoto Uchiha was reluctant at first because this kind of thing cannot be solved simply by wishing it and talking.

But after another thought, he made up his mind to let Kakashi recover as soon as possible.

Minato Namikaze has been a little too dependent on him recently, and this is just the start.

If Kakashi does not cheer him up as soon as possible, and if Minato does not gain a few more useful confidants, he will be extremely busy in the future.

Kakashi must cheer up!

However, Makoto Uchiha did not give Kakashi any psychological therapy, instead, he used 'physical therapy'.

He wanted to find Kakashi for a spar and then beat him 'half-dead', so that he is tired and just want to rest, and have no time to grieve and mourn.

After a period of being ravaged by Makoto Uchiha, Kakashi gradually changed slightly.

However, Makoto Uchiha could not accept this progress.

Today he is just discussing Kakashi's Sharingan.

Anyway, as long as Kakashi's strength improves, he can share many of his Missions and tasks with him.

Psychological injuries should be treated slowly and not in a hurry.

"Makoto Uchiha, please go to the Hokage office immediately, the Fourth Hokage has summoned you!"

Just when Makoto Uchiha was about to perform 'physical therapy' on Kakashi, an Anbu appeared opposite the two.

"I know, go now!" Makoto Uchiha nodded when he heard the words, he then talked to Kakshi a little more and told him that they should meet at the same place tomorrow.

As soon as Kakashi raised his hand, his mouth opened slightly, but he did not say anything, he showed a helpless expression on his paralysed face.

It's just that Makoto Uchiha did not give him a chance to refuse, and he went straight away with a Shunshin (Body Flicker) and left with the Anbu Ninja.

"Rin died under my hand, can I forgive myself? Can I let it go?"

In fact, after Uchiha Makoto's hell-like "torture" during this period, Kakashi wanted to fall asleep every time he got home.

It's just that he can't get past the hurdle in his heart.

Although he knew that Rin deliberately jumped in the way of his Chidori to commit suicide to protect Konoha, he could not forgive himself.

Kakashi lay on the grass, looking up at the sky.

"Obito, you must blame me for not protecting Rin!"


Makoto Uchiha knocked on the door of Hokage's office.

"Please come in." Minato Namikaze's gentle voice came.

Makoto Uchiha walked into the room and bowed slightly, "Minato-Senpai."

Although Minato Namikaze was also called the Fourth Hokage by him before, Minato Namikaze did not listen and insisted on him calling him by his previous name. Of course, he can change how he calls him if necessary.

Makoto Uchiha would naturally not put him down.

Suddenly Minato said with a serious face: "Makoto Uchiha, as Fourth Hokage, I order you to join the Anbu directly under me from today."

Then his tone returned to the same as usual, "Makoto, I will leave you with the Mission to guard. In my case, you also know that there are not many people I can use.

As my right-hand man, I will leave more important things for you. "

Makoto Uchiha's mouth twitched, and he looked helpless, seeing that Minato did not treat him as an outsider.

Had it not been for the saying that child labour was not allowed, Makoto Uchiha would have protested.


However, he still accepted the order, but he overthrew his previous thoughts in his heart, he must step up Kakashi's recovery.