Chapter 45 – As Squad Leader, Go To The Hidden Mist

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Teir 2: Chunin = 10 chapters ahead of all other platforms

Tier 3: Jonin = 15 chapters ahead of all other platforms

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When Makoto came into the Hokage office, he saw Minato Namikaze sitting dignified in his chair, looking at some papers.

Feeling the tense atmosphere in the office, Makoto was no longer in the mood to complain about the injustice he currently felt about not getting his day off, obviously there was trouble brewing again.

When he saw Makoto, Minato felt relieved.

He apologized slightly: "I'm sorry, Makoto, I'm going to have to trouble you again. I was planning on letting you rest for a few days, but this time the situation is too tricky to handle without you."

"Minato-Senpai, you are too polite." Makoto said sternly, "What happened?"

Minato spoked: "Our messenger sent to the Hidden Mist was attacked. Four people have died and one was seriously injured."

"The messenger?" Makoto was stunned. "Didn't Hidden Mist stop communicating with the outside world? Also, wasn't the death of Rin Nohara last year, due to the Hidden Mist? Is the Village now going to negotiate and have peace talks with the Hidden Mist?"

Minato replied: "Makoto, you also know that although the Third Ninja World War came to an end because of the Alliance of the Three Lands of Fire, Earth and Wind, the Land of Lightning's Hidden Cloud and Land of Water's Hidden Mist have not yet signed Konoha's peace treaty.

The Ninja World is currently at risk of falling into war at any time.

Compared to Hidden Cloud Village, which has a tough and stubborn attitude, we should first figure out and be cautious of Hidden Mist Village, they currently have an ambiguous attitude.

The war between the Hidden Mist and Konoha in the Third Ninja World War was not fierce. Making it evident that they are different from the Hidden Cloud and that they also want to end the war.

This is also what the higher-up's mean, for peace, we have to pay some price."

The higher-ups again? Makoto felt helpless, they had won the War, but Konoha was currently acting as if they had lost.

But currently, he has no power over the higher-up's and their decisions. After all, even the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze who is currently stronger than him, can't resist the 4 higher-ups' joint decisions.

He could only obey for the moment and change it in the future.

"Minato-Senpai, are you saying that the messenger we sent to the Hidden Mist might have been attacked and killed by the Hidden Mist Village, right? Of course, it's also possible that Hidden Rock Village had sent Ninja to sneak attack them.

It is even possible that other members of our Alliance did it." Towards the end, Makoto narrowed his eyes.

Although the Lands of Fire, Earth, and Wind are all in an Alliance, each of them can't have joint interests, it is therefore normal, for there to be tricks and things occurring behind the scenes.

Minato Namikaze nodded and said, "Well, that's what I also meant.

If the Ninja of the Hidden Mist Village did it, it only means that Hidden Mist has nothing to say.

If Hidden Cloud makes trouble behind our back, we have to deal with them.

But if the Hidden Sand and Hidden Rock Villages had a hand in this, then we will have a big problem in our hands.

In order not to affect the unity of the Alliance, we can only investigate this secretly.

That's why I need you. "

"I see." Makoto touched his chin, with a pensive expression on his face before he stated:

"Minato-Senpai, did you get any information from the injured Ninja?"

Minato Namikaze's face sank, and he said: "In order not to raise the Mist's guard, the Village sent a 5-man Chunin Team into the Land of Water.

After they encountered the enemy, 4 of them were killed and one was seriously injured, the injured member was the only one who returned.

The enemy didn't wear Forehead Protectors, nor did they carry any iconic items on them, s we don't know which Village made a move. "

"In other words, we don't have much useful information?" Makoto frowned slightly, "Minato-Senpai, is there any possibility of there being leaks in the Village?"

Minato responded: "I have considered this, it is currently under investigation, but the participants in the Meeting were reliable people, this possibility is not very high."

Makoto thought secretly in his heart, the 'reliability which Minato spoke of, is only relatively speaking.

In fact, according to what he has learned, there are still some people in the Village who do not want the War to end so soon.

After all, Konoha was considered to have obtained a substantial victory in the Third Ninja World War.

However, they did not get any substantial benefits from the surrendered Hidden Sand Village and Hidden Rock Village. Instead, they lost a large number of Ninjas and consumed huge resources due to the war.

Now although there is a 3-Nation Alliance, if they continue fighting the Hidden Cloud and Hidden Mist, they can still reap some profit from them.

Once the Ninja World is at peace, the power of the War-Seeking Faction will naturally be weakened.

Almost instantly, Makoto thought of Danzo, known as the "Rich Ninja".

(T/N: 'Rich Ninja' was originally translated as Ninja Pot King, which meant someone who had great Riches, I, therefore, translated it like this, I believe it conveys what the Author described Danzo as)

If all of Konoha's wealth is gathered, Danzo would have half.

Danzo in the original can be said to have been black from the inside out.

Although his behaviour cannot be distinguished between hero and villain, he wasn't that likeable either.

Makoto had no feelings for him anyway.

It's just that Danzo is currently targeting the Uchiha Clan, if it did not materially affect him and his Clan as well as his Family. Makoto had no extraneous thoughts about Danzo for the time being.

Anyway, what he believes in is 'if others respect me by a foot, I will give them a metre of respect', 'If someone does not offend me, I will not offend them; if anyone offends me, I will kill them.'

Just as Makoto was thinking this, Minato continued:

"At present, the most important thing is to continue to send people to the Hidden Mist, but this time we would mainly send the Anbu to investigate the situation and test the intentions of Hidden Mist Village.

If we can convey Konoha's intentions, it would naturally be best if an Alliance forms between us.

To put it simply, I want you, Makoto to lead the Team, to secretly protect the Envoy Team and investigate the situation there, also, try to promote an Alliance between Konoha and Hidden Mist.

With your Sensory ability, hidden enemies will be unable to succeed!

Of course, your safety is paramount!

When necessary, you can decide according to the situation, to give up the Mission."

Makoto declared: "I understand, I will try my best!"

Makoto felt relieved when he heard that Minato would let him judge according to the situation.

After all, this Mission sounds very troublesome. Not only do they have to protect people but they also need to investigate as well.

The key is that the enemy is in the dark, while they are in the light, and they don't know how strong the enemy is.

Since Minato Namikaze said so, he will naturally do his best.

"I feel at ease whenever you do things." Minato's expression relaxed. He believed in Makoto's strength and ability to do things very much, so when he encountered this troublesome situation, he immediately thought of Minato.

Uchiha Makoto responded: "Minato-Senpai, then I'll go back and prepare first."

Minato nodded: "Don't worry, the Team will set off the day after tomorrow. You have until then to prepare.

Also, I am going to appoint you as the Temporary Captain of the Sixth Squad of the Anbu! "

"Temporary Team Captain?!" Makoto was taken aback.

Then he reacted and asked: "What about Captain Pheasant?"

"Oh, Ito Haruki right? Code Name Pheasant, will not work in this department in the future.

He was injured during a Mission, he has been recovering recently. When he recovers from his injury, he will marry his fiancée, he has applied for marriage leave as well.

And he said that he was tired of the Anbu life and that he hoped to be transferred to the Logistics Department or the Intelligence Department.

Although you have just entered the Sixth Squad, your Teammates trust you very much, I believe you will be a splendid Squad Captain."

Minato's words left Makoto speechless.

Haruki Ito is the real name of their Squad Captain.

This person who seems to honest unexpectedly betrayed them!

He will marry while they are doing Missions and he has for marriage leave?

He feels so...



Makoto also wants to take a holiday.

He did not want to be a Squad Captain!

"Makoto, don't worry, I have also arranged a right-hand man for you, he will also be with you this time."

With that, Minato Namikaze glanced at the clock on the wall, "According to the time, he should be almost here."