Chapter 47 – The Squad Sets Off

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Tier 3: Jonin = 15 chapters ahead of all other platforms

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"My eyes seem to be undergoing a certain change." Makoto gently rubbed his eyes, they were feeling sore and swollen, just like when he activated his eyes for the first time.

However, there were some differences. When he activated his Sharingan for the first time, his eyes felt sore and swollen, making him feel uncomfortable.

But this time, though his eyes were sore, they felt complete, as if something was finally fulfilled.

He felt his eyes were full of power, a power that would never run out.

"Are they going to evolve to the Mangekyou Sharingan?"

Makoto's heart moved, wondering what his Mangekyou Sharingan would look like?

He hadn't been greatly stimulated now.

But, you could say he now has a new desire, a pursuit for power.

"But I can't rush. At my current age, my strength has surpassed most adult Ninjas.

But activating the Mangekyou Sharingan too early places a huge burden on the body, and it cannot be used frequently.

If my Sharingan evolves to the Mangekyou the Kyuubi Attack, I will have much more confidence in saving the Fourth Hokage.

Besides, Kakashi has officially joined the Anbu today, I have to find a way to keep him from the cemetery and open up.

It would be best to prevent him from becoming Kushina's guard.

Time is getting tighter, there are less than eight months left.

In such an amount of time, I don't know how much my strength can increase."

Because of the Mission given to him by Minato, Makoto went to Hidden Mist Village, inevitably, he thought of Obito again.

The current Obito has replaced the dead Madara, using his Sharingan, he has put the Fourth Mizukage Yagura under his control.

This trip to the Hidden Mist will be very dangerous.

With Obito there, Makoto will not have mercy on any person he comes across.

But speaking of him, Makoto is not afraid of Obito.

If you aren't aware of Obito's Mangekyou Sharingan ability, then Obito is strong, but if you know his ability in advance like Makoto, then everything will be different.

After the Mangekyou is achieved, the user's Genjutsu ability will be greatly enhanced.

Even a person like Obito, who was originally weak and barely a Chunin, could soar to the point he could compete with Minato.

Of course, there is also an increase in spies and conflicts, which is why Minato doesn't know this information.

However, Obito is not good at Genjutsu, he can only control the Fourth of Mizukage Yagura because he is controlled by Madara's Genjutsu, all Obito needs to do, is use the same Genjutsu to control him successfully.

If Makoto has to resist Itachi's Sharingan with his 3 Tomoe Sharingan, he is not sure he can do it.

But with the Genjutsu skills of Obito, with Makoto's powerful Spiritual Energy, even with his 3 Tomoe Sharingan and no other help, he can do it.

Besides, Obito has only one Sharingan, meaning he can't use the Susasnoo as well.

So considering all this, there shouldn't be any major problems on this trip to the Hidden Mist.

However, Makoto is not optimistic about the Alliance.

After all, the Hidden Mist is equivalent to obeying Obito's final decision.

"If I bring Kakashi, and Obito sees him, he probably won't kill him."

Although Makoto has more than enough strength to protect himself, but if he takes on Obito, he will be unable to protect others.

However, he was only predicting this in advance, and Obito may not have time to deal with them.

Thinking of this, Makoto felt sure.

Only then did he remember the newly acquired skill [Meditation].

It was just getting late, so he could try the Skill.

"Mako-Chan! It's dinnertime! What are you doing in your room? Why haven't you come down?"

Reika Uchiha yelled several times again, and when Makoto did not reply, she walked upstairs.

Makoto hurriedly got dressed and replied: "Coming!"

He can try [Meditation] tomorrow. As for the training of [Endless Path], he'll wait until evening to do it.


Early the next morning, Makoto went to the Sixth Squad of the Anbu first.

The members of Squad 6 all learned about Makoto becoming the Acting Squad Captain.

However, they all knew that Makoto was the Captain of Squad 6.

No one objected to this, after all, Makoto's ability was known to everyone.

In the previous Mission of hunting down Orochimaru, the other Squads suffered a lot of losses, in comparison, the only casualty from Squad 6 was Nighthawk.

Moreover, they heard that the relationship between Nighthawk and Makoto was extremely poor before he died. Many Anbu from the other Squads were inferior to Nighthawk and conflicts do occur in the Anbu and it isn't unusual.

Makoto was unscathed even after the battle with Orochimaru.

After that Mission, everyone knew that Makoto was not easy to provoke, and there was no benefit in offending him.

When Makoto arrived at the Anbu, Kakashi was there.

Makoto smiled and greeted him: "Kakashi."

Kakashi said with a serious face: "Captain Imperial Wind, my code name is 'Tenzo'."

"Yes, yes, why are you so serious? Now that we don't have Missions, you don't have to so serious. You don't have to be like this, relax man." Makoto waved his hand.

When Pheasant was the Squad Captain, he also liked to joke very much.

The Anbu directly beneath the Hokage were still relatively harmonious.

It is not like the Root Ninjas working for Danzo. Those people are brainwashed and see themselves as tools instead of human beings. They are ruthless and cruel even to themselves let alone others.

At the end of the day, although the Anbu do some tricky and unsuitable Missions, they are much better than Root who Danzo only uses for his personal gain.

"I see." Makoto's words made Kakashi calm down and relax.

"Well, jokes are over, let's start talking business." Makoto said with a serious face: "We will have an important Mission tomorrow. I am here today to decide who is going on it.

Tomorrow's five-man Squad will consist of me, Tenzo, Moon Lightning, Owl, and Chick.

At 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, we will gather at the gate on time. "

"Captain, what about me?" Bobo saw that she hadn't been selected and sent Makoto a charming look.

After hearing this, Makoto was silent for a while, and said, "You can come next time! Disperse!"

After Makoto left the Anbu headquarters, he took his time training.

Because of the breakthrough in his Spiritual Energy and the increase in his basic Attributes, he needs to get familiar with the subtle changes in his body as soon as possible, if he isn't familiar, he may lose in battles that are decided in moments.

It was not the first time that he had done something like this, and soon, he became familiar with the changes in his body.

During that period, he used Eight Inner Gates and then tried to use [Meditation] to recover.

He was very satisfied with the results.

Its effect is very significant.

If it was not for his inability to use [Meditation] in battle, then this skill would be comparable to the regeneration obtained from Sage Mode, though it also consumes a substantial amount of Chakra.


"Please forgive me!"


In a dense forest in the east of the Land of Fire, a scream was heard.

There was a loud bang!

Kakashi pierced through the man and the tree with a Chidori.