Chapter 67 – Saving Kushina Is Like Saving The Entire Family

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  There was a huge explosion in the distance.

  However, when Makoto arrived halfway there, the explosion stopped abruptly.

  Had it not been for the scorched pits everywhere, he would have thought the battle was over!

  "Over there!"

  Makoto used [Blood Hunt]'s perception ability to the limit, and soon felt a huge Chakra reaction in the distant forest.

  When Makoto arrived, he saw a huge nine-tailed beast lying in the middle of the forest. Its whole body was firmly bound by a golden chain.

  Next to the Kyuubi is the Namikaze couple and their child Naruto.

  Seeing a golden light chain rise from the ground, enveloping them all, Makoto hurried.

  "Barrier? Is it over already?!"

  He burst his Chakra again, and appeared outside the barrier in a blink of an eye.

  "Who? Makoto!"

  Jiraiya also suddenly appeared in front of Makoto. At this time, the Sage Mode Jiraiya also exuded a powerful aura, and the two toads standing on his shoulders were also extremely powerful.

  Seeing that it was Makoto, Jiraiya stopped immediately.

  "I can save them! Come with me!"

  Makoto grabbed Jiraiya's hand, and before the barrier closed, a [Flash] led him into the barrier.

  Because of Minato's trust in Makoto, Jiraiya did not resist.

  Although Makoto told Minato to keep as much information about the plan to himself, he still told Jiraiya the plan because of his relationship with Jiraiya, they were like father and son.

  So, when the Delivery Site guarded by Jiraiya was attacked, he did not go to help, but rushed directly to the real Delivery Site, and at the same time got into Sage Mode while on the way after doing what he needed at the delivery site.

  He and Jiraiya then began to fight the masked man, Minato and Jiraiya, took the opportunity to join forces and use their Sage Mode power to severely injure the masked man.

  "Minato-Senpai, Kushina-Senpai, how are you?" Makoto hurried asked the two of them.

  There was a look of grief in Minato Namikaze's eyes, "I'm fine, but Kushina she..."

  "I can't hold on for long! I still have a few last words to say." Uzumaki Kushina vomited blood, her face pale, and her lips bloodless.

  "Minato, thank you...for everything you have done for me.

  I am really lucky to have met you!

  With you, I could imagine how happy the life of a family would be, especially with our child.

  I really want to... see Naruto grow..."

  "Kushina...I will let you see Naruto!" Minato Namikaze burst into tears, and suddenly made up his mind, "As long as I use the Dead Demon Consuming Seal, I can seal half of the Nine Tails into Naruto.

  In this way, you can leave a part of your Chakra in the seal, and you will be able to see the grown-up Naruto! "

  "But then you will..." Uzumaki Kushina looked shocked.

  Minato Namikaze explained: "The masked man who attacked you tonight escaped even though Jiraiya-Sensei and I teamed up. He will surely set off a bloody storm in the Ninja World in the future.

  The son of prophecy that Jiraiya said may be Naruto. In order to bring peace to the Ninja world and deal with the disasters caused by the great changes, in order to deal with powerful enemies, Naruto needs strength! "

  Kushina, who was originally agitated as a gossamer, looked like a glimmer of light, and her expression was shocked, and a force suddenly appeared in her body, she said angrily:

  "Even so! Why use the Dead Demon Consuming Seal!

  Just to let me see Naruto when he's grown up for a short time, just for such a short time! Why do you want to die with me!

  I want you to be with Naruto! You can also protect him from growing up!

  Just to balance the tail beast, for the Village, for the Ninja world?! Are you going to die because of me?! "

  The corner of Minato's mouth trembled slightly, and he found out various reasons.

  In fact, since Kushina said that he could not live for long, he had already wanted to diee.

  He could not live without Kushina in this world.

  At this moment, Makoto hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed the hand of Minato who wanted to begin the seal, and said, "Minato-Senpai, wait!"

  "Makoto, thank you for everything you have done for our couple, but I didn't expect to have done so much preparation, and it still didn't change the ending in your dream!" Minato said apologized, "It's just that…I am determined, please don't stop me!

  I hope you and Lord Jiraiya can help us take care of Naruto after we die! Thanks a lot! "

  Makoto's heart was shocked.

  Although he knows the general plot, he does not know the details of this part. After all, he only watched less than half of the content of several hundred episodes, and basically only selected parts of the battle and watched them.

  He only knows that Obito released the Nine Tails on the day Naruto was born, and then the Fourth Hokage died in order to seal the Nine Tails.

  "Minato-Senpai, you don't have to use the Dead Demon Consuming Seal at all! Why don't you re-seal the Nine Tails back into Kushina-Senpai?" Makoto asked hurriedly.

  Uzumaki Kushina shook her head, "My vitality is exhausted, and the remaining Chakra are not enough to suppress Nine Tails.

  Sealing the Nine Tails into my body again, and letting the Nine Tails die with me, Konoha will have enough time to prepare before the resurrection of the Nine Tails. This is my plan, but Minato..."

  Makoto removed [Fanatic Armour] from his body, and after dispelling the Eight Inner Gates, he lost 2000 HP and 5 Physique bonuses, his breath suddenly dropped sharply, and his whole body instantly became weak!

  "Minato-Senpai, if I can save Kushina-Senpai, will you be able to give up committing suicide!"

  Although Minato Namikaze spoke upright and awe-inspiring, it was indeed possible for him to die for the Village and the Ninja world.

  But in Makoto's opinion, the most important reason he sacrificed himself for the Village was Kushina's death.

  Feeling the sudden decline of Makoto's Chakra and breath, and looking at the dazzling golden light in his hand, Minato Namikaze's expression changed, "Makoto, what did you say?! You can save Kushina?"

  "I have activated my Mangekyou Sharingan, and the technique derived from it can share part of my vitality with others.

  In this way, Kushina-Senpai's vitality can be restored to its peak, and she will definitely be able to suppress Nine Tails again!

  In this way, Minato-Senpai, you don't have to die! "

  "Share vitality?" Minato Namikaze looked shocked, his eyes rekindled hope, "If Kushina can survive, I..."

  "Time is running out! Don't talk nonsense! Do as I say! Raise your own children! I do not even have time to fall in love. How would I find time to raise your child!"

  Seeing the changes in Minato's expression, Makoto understood, and immediately said in a deep voice:

  "Kushina-Senpai cannot be disturbed by anyone when absorbing the vitality I share with her, nor can she use Chakra, otherwise it will fail!

  If she doesn't absorb the vitality in five minutes, she will still die, understand?

  So, when Kushina-Senpai was absorbing the vitality, Minato-Senpai immediately take her to safety with the Flying Thunder God.

  As long as no one interferes with her, she will recover within a minute.

  Then let her come back to suppress Kyuubi!

  At that time, whether to re-seal the Nine Tails in the body of Kushina-Senpai or Naruto, you can decide that for yourself!

  After sharing vitality, my eye's power will be greatly reduced, but it can also suppress Kyuubi a little. Jiraiya-Senpai will also help delay for time with me. It only takes one minute. Wait for Kushina-Senpai to recover! "

  Makoto said his plan all in one go.

  [Fanatic Armour] It can take effect out of battle as well, he can use it to help Kushina recover and then together, they can suppress the Nine-Tails.

  Fortunately, he prepared before!

  Having 'lost and regained' Kushina, Minato Namikaze regained his composure, "Please! Makoto!"

  Because of his absolute trust in Makoto, Minato did not doubt his words.

  And as soon as the light ball finally emerged from Makoto's body, there was sharp drop in Makoto's breath, such that it was visible.

  "Please! Jiraiya-Sensei!"

  "Don't worry, Minato!" Jiraiya said solemnly, "I will protect this kid too!"

  "In that case, get ready! 3, 2, 1, go!" Makoto spent 2,000 Gold Coins in the shop while the countdown was in progress, unlocking the binding of the [Fanatic Armour].

  He sent the ball of light in his hand to Uzumaki Kushina's heart, and then sank it into her body.

  The moment Uzumaki Kushina unlocked the Seal around them, Minato Namikaze held her and moved.

  "You brat!" After listening to Makoto's plan, Kyuubi slapped Makoto fiercely as soon as he could move!

  Makoto hurriedly dodged using [Flash].

  "Monkey King Enma! Become an Invincible Staff! Enlarge!"

  The moment when Makoto avoided the attack, the Third Hokage who rushed outside the barrier saw Kyuubi's action, his face changed drastically, but his reaction was not slow at all, and he directly summoned the Monkey King and transformed him into a Staff!