Chapter 99 – Demon Clown Sacco Puppet

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Tier 3: Jonin = 15 chapters ahead of all other platforms

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[Mercury] As soon as it was released, Makoto instantly regained consciousness, leaving the original nausea and pain he had to disappear.

  Black Lotus, who was able to stand just now, was already kneeling on the ground with a painful face.

  When Makoto saw this, his eyes flashed murderously.

  But he also knows the priorities. The biggest enemy at this time is the Moryo. Once the seal of the Moryo fails, the trouble will become big.

  He didn't expect Moryo to hide this trick.

  But this move should consume a lot for Moryo.

  The Moryo that released a mental attack has shrunk from a few tens of meters to a diameter of only three or four meters.

  The soul shadow has been pulled out nine times out of ten.

  Seeing that Moryo was still making the final struggle, Makoto swung his sword, and a wind blade about two meters long flew away quickly.

  The Chakra under his feet exploded in an instant, and at the same time completed the energy accumulation in the air, the two whirlwinds of [Stepping Steel Flash] superimposed, releasing a small tornado.

  "Fire Style· Dragon Flame!"

  The wind blade was in front, and the tornado of the whirlwind slashed close behind, and Makoto made the seal with the fastest speed, completing the dragon fire technique.

  A huge fire dragon came from behind and hit the tornado.

  The fire dragon span rapidly in the tornado, the fire takeing advantage of the wind, with the combination of wind and fire ninjutsu being completed in an instant.

  The fire dragon more than doubled as it revolved, and then hit the struggling Moryo.


  Although Moryo is immortal, it still feels pain.

  At this time, the soul of the Moryo was pulled by the sealing technique released by Miroku, with the main force fighting against the seal. Under the pain, the power of resistance was suddenly reduced, and the soul was pulled out in an instant.

  "Damn human!"

  Moryo screamed again, and its soul was quickly pulled into the beam of light.

  The Moryo that had lost its soul was only left with a physical body, and the tentacles all over it swelled frantically, constantly twitching.

  At this time, without Makoto's reminder, Warwick went directly into a frenzied state, and came to Moryo's side in a flash.

  Makoto retreated quickly!


  In Makoto's surprised eyes, Warwick directly stabbed the Moryo's body with a metal claw loaded with pneumatic steel claws.

  The Moryo's tentacles turned into sharp blades, stabbing Warwick into a honeycomb.

  The tentacles kept squirming, drawing blood from Warwick's body.

  Warwick roared and pulled out the catheter that extended to the back of his head. The clear green liquid gushed out from the metal storage tank behind him, showering himself with Moryo.

  Drenched in the genetic modification fluid in the metal storage tank, the Moryo shrank like a irritated hedgehog, and its body shrank into a ball.

  Its tentacles that had plunged into Warwick's body suddenly softened and quickly shrank back into the body.

  The Moryo suddenly became a smooth ball of flesh.

  And Warwick's battered body fell from the air.

  When he was dying, Warwick made an OK gesture at Makoto.

  Makoto froze for a moment, wondering when Warwick learned that from him.

  He stepped forward, ready to catch Warwick who fell from the air.

  Suddenly, Makoto felt his hair stand up.

  His forward movement paused, and the Imperial Sky Sword in his hand suddenly turned towards the rear.


  The sound of gold and iron strikes.

  Makoto did not turn his head, but directly used [Stepping Slash]

  He saw his body disappear in a flash, appearing directly behind the Black Lotus who attacked him.


  "Why... would..."

  With a shocked look on Black Lotus's face, she lowered her head and looked at the sword body extending from the heart and carrying Lightning style Chakra.

  "Finally it's my turn to stab you!"

  A low voice sounded behind her.

  If this is not the case, this tone is more like a lover's whisper in the ear.

  Makoto grabbed Black Lotus's shoulder and used [Flash] to lead her to the entrance of the lava cave.

  Makoto pulled out his hand, leaving the Black Lotus staggered, and walked two steps towards it. Her body slowly slid down against the mountain wall and sat weakly on the ground.


  The short kunai in her right hand fell to the ground.

  Only then did Makoto notice that she was holding a half-opened white scroll on her left hand.

  Even though she was unable to hold the knife, her left hand still held the scroll tightly.

  "Why would you..." Black Lotus was incredulous.

  She couldn't believe that Makoto could react to a sneak attack in that situation.

  "Ninjas can't give their backs to untrustworthy people at any time, let alone you behind me!" Makoto said coldly.

  "Me?" Black Lotus's eyes gradually faded.

  "It's okay if you don't understand." Makoto said in a flat tone: "You should be thankful that I don't have the habit of torturing people."

  "Who are you?" Black Lotus struggled and raised her hand, as if trying to take off Makoto's mask.

  Makoto released Chidori and hit the black lotus, leaving the black lotus, who had been crushed by Makoto's heart, instantly killed.

  Makoto, then knelt down and fumbled around her body.

  Except for the white scroll, she has nothing else on her body that seems useful.

  Makoto just glanced roughly, and the word "three" was written on the white scroll.

  It's just that the colours of the first two paintings are already very light, and it looks like the pen and ink have faded.

  Makoto put away the scroll first, for it was not the time to study.

  Seeing the Black Lotus's limp body, Makoto made a seal with both hands and burned her body to ashes with fire Style.

  As for her other items, they were buried with gravel on the spot.

  "Has Warwick succeeded too?"

  Warwick outside had long been resurrected through the [Guardian Angel], bringing the Moryo closer to the sealed space.

  "Master, for the next period of time, I will continue to absorb the power of Moryo and wait until I complete the first evolution before I can continue to fight for you. Please forgive me."

  Warwick's apologetic voice sounded in Makoto's heart.

  "It doesn't matter, the stronger you are, the more help it will be to me." Makoto expressed his understanding.

  "Thank you for your understanding!" Warwick said respectfully, and then there was no sound.

  It is estimated that his gluttonous body has now been gluttonous.

  "Huh? Not good!"

  Makoto's face suddenly changed.

  A memory came from his shadow clone.

  Miroku ran out of power and was dying because of the sealing of Moryo's soul.

  "What's the matter?" Makoto's thoughts turned sharply.

  He forced himself to calm down, as if thinking of something.

  Makoto dashed out of the lava cave, and then collected the treasure chest exploded by dozens of Demon Cultist Cultists who had killed before.

  [Obtained 9 Gold Coins]

  [Obtained the 'Needlessly Large Rod']

  [Obtained 15 Gold Coins]


  Dozens of Demon Cultist followers contributed 721 Gold Coins to Makoto. Bringing his total number of Gold Coins to 1871.

  "Not enough! System, two pieces of basic equipment for sale!"

  Looking at his gold coin balance, Makoto immediately sold two pieces of basic equipment, sold the equipment at a quarter of the purchase price, and obtained 250 Gold Coins.

  The total amount of Gold Coins reached 2,121.

  Makoto flashed immediately and came to the lava cave. Then according to the memory of the shadow clone, he came to the lava altar below. At this time, Miroku collapsed in the middle of the altar.

  Seeing this, Makoto hurried to her side, helped her up, and she lay in his arms.

  "Your Excellency Wind, Moryo are far stronger than I thought, I..." Miroku opened her eyes hard, and a sorrowful smile appeared on her pale and bloodless face.

  "Close your eyes and don't talk." Makoto immediately spent 2,000 Gold Coins to unbind [Fanatic's Armor] and sent the golden light ball into her heart.

  Miroku didn't know why, but she closed her eyes obediently.

  Soon she found that a warm current burst from her heart and flowed all over the body, and her weak body quickly regained its vitality.

  "Your Excellency Wind, what is going on?" Miroku opened her eyes again, and her pale face became delicate and ruddy.

  Before Makoto had time to answer, he found a message on the system panel:

  [Current mission: 1. Assist Miroku to seal the "Moryo" and ensure the survival of the Priestess (1/1) has been completed]

  [Mission rewards: 1. Obtain the "Demon Clown·Sacco" Puppet, Chakra charge 0/12000]