Chapter 11

Accelerator sat on a log drinking his canned coffee. The white haired monster was thinking about something else. Kiyohime sat down as she asked a question that had been bugging her and probably everyone. "How do you even forget your own name? All children respond to their name and can remember. So why can you not remember yours?"

Accelerator glanced at her "I can only remember that my name was normal. It had two kanji for my first and three for my last. My name had no real meaning. The rest is history." He stood up leaving Kiyohime to wonder about his real name. He wasn't lying either everything he had said was truthful.

She wondered what type of background he had to be able to forget his name.

Flashes ran through Accelerator's mind as he looked back at the times where he was confronted by army forces. He sighed as he pushed those memories to the back of his mind.

Mash came running through as she yelled "There's people being attacked by wyverns!" Accelerator ignored them as he hobbled slowly and took his time. Everyone else ran over as Accelerator started looking around before hobbling over to the tent and stealing another canned coffee.

By the time he got there the lizards were on the ground and servants had appeared. "Oh if it isn't the third-string villains." Fujimaru almost jumped in joy as he had almost given up fighting. Having Accelerator on your side was the equivalent of a nuke. Except the nuke could blow up the remote as well. The remote being them.

Accelerator looked at them before looking at Jeanne giving out another speech which made him cringe in disgust.

The servant answered back "I like that answer you know? But she'd be angry at me."

Accelerator snorted and spoke "Man you really are a third-string villain. Really? Being a honcho of fucked up version of Jeanne?" Martha ignored him while Fujimaru looked at Accelerator "Help us!" Accelerator looked "You seem fine though. I'll do what I want third-string."

Fujimaru grit his teeth as he attempted to make a contract with Jeanne. Martha raised her crucifix staff as she aimed at Fujimaru who was in the middle of making the contract. In a flash Janne quickly unraveled her flag as the contract had succeeded.

"That's it... That's the reason I was sent here!"

Her face contorted in a frown as she shouted.

"My name is Martha, violated by madness my class is Berserk Rider!"

Accelerator watched as a dragon popped out of the ground "What the fuck? Do dragons grow out of the ground or something?"

Ruler yelled "From what I understand she's been afflicted with madness enhancement."

Accelerator listened in to the explanation and he was disgusted. This was the equivalent of Academy City's dark-side where they would "enrol" in a experiment where they would promise stronger powers or some other bullshit that they made up to have pawns for the higher-ups to use.

He had dismantled the dark-side when he came back from world war three, yet even after that there were still other groups. Even after being the Board Chairman of Academy City, there were still some who opposed him.

A piece of rubble hit his coffee can out of his hand as he glared at them. He yelled at the group "So basically it's like a status ailment in a game right?" Mash nodded as Accelerator walked towards the dragon and Martha. Fujimaru shouted at him "What are you doing?"

Accelerator looked at him with a bored look. "We need allies right? What better way to fight a lizard than to use another lizard?" He stomped on the floor causing a dust cloud to rise in front of Fujimaru. Romani had his vision blocked as the rest couldn't even see.

Accelerator remembered that his white wings could heal, so technically if the madness enhancement is like a status ailment then surely they should be able to return a person or servant to their original state. "Right Qliphah?" Qliphah nodded before disappearing back to wherever she came from.

White wings sprouted behind his back as he walked towards Martha who took a step back. She was confused, entirely confused. Nothing made sense to her, she was looking at an angel?

Accelerator's white wings rose as they stabbed her in the stomach as a glowing white light started covering her. Her thought process eventually cleared up until Accelerator could feel something snap.

Martha thought back to when she was forced to consume souls and drink blood as she lacked magical energy. Yet here was an angel saving her.

If Accelerator knew what she was thinking he would snort and think about the level 6 project shift. Angel my ass he would say. Though that didn't stop Last Order, she was an exception that he couldn't win against.

He would have to ask Qliphah later. The dragon soon disappeared as Accelerator caught her as his white wings dissipated. He grabbed the unconscious Martha and dragged her while she was floating in the air. Accelerator might have filled up his arms a bit but he was still weak.

So he resorted to start using the wind as an uplift for Martha. The dust could settled as he tapped his foot causing the dust to disperse.

Accelerator looked at Marie "Oi get your glass carriage thing and we're getting out of here third-strings." He tossed Martha into the carriage as everyone else got on as Accelerator started reflecting noise.

"The true name of that big dragon is Fafnir."

Fujimaru looked at Amadeus "Don't worry cause we got this guy!" He pointed to the sleeping Accelerator. Amadeus snorted "He's a double sided blade, I can tell, he's extremely distrustful even when we told him our true names he was busy looking for any thing to his advantage."

"If he realises that you are trying to use him, and that won't take much time, then you are dead."

Fujimaru then asked "Oh yeah Kiyohime didn't you ask him about his name?" Kiyohime nodded "He seemed reluctant but spoke anyways. He can't remember his name but he did remember that his name was nothing special, it had two kanji for his first name and three for his last. That was all he could remember."

Amadeus then proposed the question "Then what type of childhood did he have to be able to forget his own name?" Fujimaru thought for a bit "Dunno but to forget your own name you would have to go through something so bad that you could only remember what the bad stuff was."

Romani was busy thinking about that small glimpse of white he had saw. His brain was busy racking about things as he was pretty sure he was correct but he couldn't confirm it.

They settled down for the night as Accelerator sat down and leaned on a tree before falling asleep. He found himself in the same dark space, the three chairs were there in the distance as he could now see two figures that were blurry.

He sighed as he sat down before he slumbered off to the morning again.

He woke up to see them all being happy and talking as he walked over to the supplies and got his can of coffee. Everyone stared at him as Kiyohime asked "Do you think my food is not to your liking?" Accelerator shook his head "I only need a bit of coffee." He sat down on a log far away from everyone else as he sipped on his coffee in silence.

Everyone was smiling joyfully as music played yet in one corner the music did not reach him. It was drowned near him. He looked at the night sky where there as a full moon as he once again raised his hand and grasped it.

His motives were normal for him, but that was where he went wrong. He kept his arm raised in the air as if grasping the moon itself. In the past he had wanted absolute power. Power so much that even the thought of challenging him was a sin. That was what he told others and himself.

In reality it was simply just him wanting a normal life, wanting to be loved, wanting to have a normal family. That was crushed when he had awakened his ability, every single semblance of a normal life was crushed under the curse and blessing of his ability.

After the talk about girls came the most important topic. "What's with Accelerator?" They looked at him sitting alone on a log while looking at the moon. His white hair shone under the moonlight as he gazed up at the full moon.

Kiyohime put her thoughts first "Well he seems quite lonely as if he's forcing himself to be apart from others, he doesn't lie though, in fact he seems to hate liars." Marie put her thoughts out as well "Maybe he was a lover?" They all froze as they turned towards Accelerator.

"Who's going to ask?"

Jeanne denied "He seems to dislike me, I saw it when he looked at me." That leaves Marie and Kiyohime. "He seems unsure about Marie but fine with Kiyohime." So it's you!

Kiyohime sighed as she got up and tapped Accelerator, her finger was flicked off but Accelerator noticed as he stopped reflecting sound. "What do you want?" Kiyohime spoke as she asked "Do you have a lover?" Accelerator took a bit to respond as he struggled to find the logic behind that question.

"Do you think someone like me can find love after all I've done?"

"No the only people that ever showed me unconditional kindness have been ripped from my life."