Felix - tips and toes

JULIO, BUSK, CHARLI, Raymond, and I sit in the back of the class. The teacher calls us up to the class. We go up to the class.

"Since you guys wanna talk during class, Julio you sit there, Busk you sit next to Samantha, and you two sit back in your original seats I don't even know why I called you two up here.

Busk O.o: I have to sit next to the quiet smart girl haha I'm about to get an A

ME: ha no she doesn't like u

I put my phone away as class begins. The teacher goes on and on about prokayriotic and eukariotic cell funtions and has us write notes. After class, I ask Busk about the shooting that night at the group home.

"Eh, no one got killed. The shooters missed entirly," he says as he walks into his class.

Julio and I haven't been taling that much eversence he kissed me at lunch a few weeks ago. I don't ask him about that.