
Looking at the children's situation, "Here, have them drink this." Again, from out of nowhere, Jem produced something that dumbstruck all the people around him. It was a big mystery to them where he took these items. Nonetheless, Miles took the medicine from him and helped the children drink them. After a couple of seconds upon drinking them, the children's countenance turned much better than a while ago.

They continued towards the surface. Abel, on the other hand, was left to guard the captives. They could not let them disappear. Those people were more dangerous if they let them wander around.

Jem and the others have yet to know of the reason why those people summoned a Ritual Gate in such a place.

On their way, Jem broke the stones one by one. As he broke the first stone, greenish energy was released from it. But right after that, they flew toward him. Then they entered his body like it was the natural thing to happen.