Chapter 60 - A surprising move

Pravitas crashed down on the ground like a perfectly hit volleyball to the sandy beach, drawing a straight line in the dirt as he tumbled helplessly for several yards before his body finally stopped.

He spat up a handful of blood, as he reached for his chest, shocked to feel the vicious remarks of the horrific attack of the beast.

With great effort, he slowly pushed himself off the ground. His mouth smeared with his own dirty blood, painting a pretty pathetic visage of the haughty entity just a couple of moments ago.

Still, the smirk never left his expression, he continued to eye the beast with eyes filled with contempt and disdain.

With great effort, he slowly pushed out each of his words.

"So… That is all?… A weak claw… mark is all… you are capable of?" Pravitas wanted to laugh, but he could only muster a meager chuckle. Even that was quickly replaced by the erupting coughing fit, as another ball of bloodied saliva was spat on the ground.