Chapter 63 - The Metropolis (Part 2)

September 18th, 2018

In a dark, dimly lit, underground empty parking lot, a pair of sturdy-looking men wearing black suits were standing guard in front of a thick, barred, metal door. Despite the space being quite spacious, only one single black, matte sports car was waiting, all other spots were cleared out.

The two sturdy and bald men, bodyguards most likely, stood still, like a pair of gargoyles, statues protecting secrets that should never be revealed to the outside world. Their expressionless faces projected a sense of professionalism and with it, a cold murderous stance. One could question the matching dark sunglasses, although the ominous vermillion light that occasionally escaped from the rims suggested some other motive than trying to look 'cool'.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew between the two, surprisingly coming from behind the closed metal barrier. Instantly, both men fixed their postures, a synchronous light cough escaped their clean-shaven faces.