Chapter 72 - Friends?

Jack stared at the offered hand and the just as troubled and equally as an embarrassed-looking boy for a few brief moments longer before he exploded into a burst of laughter. He chuckled at the young teen's awkwardness, as he struggled to do something so simple as to offer his friendship.

The huge change as he went from this strong, dominant, reassured person to this awkward, and embarrassed boy was so funny to look at that he just couldn't help himself and chuckle wholeheartedly.

The tense atmosphere instantly shattered, Lucien kept standing there, feeling like an idiot, still, he didn't pull his arm back. Gathering all his courage, he looked back at the delighted Jack and muttered the unfamiliar words for the first time in his life.

"Ehrm… So… Would you… want to be…." Still, he found it strangely hard to voice out the word. It got stuck in his throat.