Chapter 75 - A single mistake

The walnut-toned man suddenly paled as realization had finally hit him. The words of his peer that he ignored letting his haughty, unfounded pride reign rampant controlling his behavior had finally been registered in his mind.

With a horrified look and a wide-eyed gaze, he shakily turned his attention towards his partner. His lips quivered as he vehemently tried his best to deny the cruel reality, the most likely fatal mistake he had just made, he shook his head.

"N-no… That's not possible!" Desperate for some salvation, he hastily scanned over the duo, clasping into the tiniest bits of detail he could spot. "T-they don't have IDs hanging on their bodies! A-also… the b-boy is way t-too young to be an employee!"

However, in response, he only received yet another slap to his head. The chiding look of his peer caused the man to squirm uncomfortably in place.