Chapter 77 - WHAT AM I?

The strange, cryptic symbols lit up one after another as Sera continued to mumble her chant. A bright, light blue, creamish sheen slowly covered the metal frame, growing and engulfing the entire door in a rapid fashion.

Eventually, as Sera completed the incantation, the glimmering, blinding light also reacted, receding back in the wall and to the metal door's frame. Still, there was a sudden change, the spell didn't fail.

The lifeless, powerless door suddenly activated, the elevator's door opened up, revealing the marble-like luxurious splendor that awaited them inside.

The gentle ring of a bell broke Lucien's bewildered daze, Sera's words brought him back to reality.

"I presume you enjoyed the show?" She chuckled, motioning for him to step inside. "Come, let's go up, the rest of shareholders, the High Elders probably have already all arrived, and are just waiting for us."