Chapter 82 - Family

As the elevator doors opened up, the young, and overzealous young guard's elder peer stood in front of them. His face, revealing a wry look as he stood straight, escorting a young man dressed in an expensive-looking dark gray suit.

Standing 5' 6", this pale-looking man has a prejudiced feel about him. He has a wide face with a cleft chin, a small, pointy nose, and matching, small lips. His hazel eyes are prominent. His mid-back length, fine golden blond hair that drooped over his shoulders were unconventionally styled, leaving the front bangs to droop over his right eye, whilst the rest of his mane was combed neatly towards the back of his head.

A pair of expensive jewelry, a set of gold earrings could be seen hanging from both of his earlobes. He has short arms, a slender torso with a well-defined waist, spindly legs, and wide feet.