Chapter 92 - The worrisome parent

In the blink of an eye, the weekend passed, giving way to yet another Monday, trudging deeper and deeper into the grayness of this ugly season. 

It was the 21st of September, they were already in the third week passed by the bright and colorful summer, yet it was only now that the change could truly be felt.

Today, the land had finally left behind the happiness of the last month of the summer, and as if stepping through a dimensional gate, everything suddenly changed. The air turned colder, a rigid wind blew and heavy rain poured down to the world.

The thick blanket of gloomy gray was like a filter, nothing of the bright azure heaven could pierce through. In its place, only this colorless despair could be seen. The dark, rain-filled canopy of clouds cast a looming shadow over the busy metropolis below, leaving no patch of the last remnants of the summer's glory to seep through.