Chapter 98 - Silent Boy

Following the sudden exclamation from the hallway, silence once again descended upon the classroom.

From outside, the hallway, a gang of boys, the delinquent thugs of the undisputed leader of this mass, Luke Prevan's minions have begun to pour in. Forcefully pushing away the crowding fan girls, they surrounded the desk of Jack and Lucien in the next few seconds.

Suddenly, replacing the dreamy, hungering gazes of the vultures, Lucien was now under heavy scrutiny. Menacing, cold stares, jeering taunts were thrown in his way. Yet even so, or maybe despite this fact, the boy seemed to ignore the new crowd and was once again lost in a daze, finding much more interest in the other side of the window instead.

This attitude, this blatant ignorance earned the ire of his newly appeared spectators. One particular boy, a short black-haired, brawny-looking teenager couldn't stand this any longer.