Chapter 113 -The Way for Wealth

Hushed whispers, shushed erupted following the masked vesper lady's words. The eager crowd of youths standing at the brink of adulthood, or just barely having crossed over it, were shocked to hear his words.

Eventually, one of the boys, a tall boy with a fuzzy short brown head of hair worked up his courage and raised his hands in an attempt to ask for permission to ask. Once the Vesper nodded and turned her attention at him, the boy gulped, and with a hesitant expression donning his otherwise chiseled, handsome, and vigorous face he asked. His honey-colored eyes, which gave him quite the exotic look glimmered under the lamplight.

"E-excuse me, Miss… ehrm… Number 38…" He started, feeling a bit of difficulty to say such a weird designation as a name. Still, he pushed through the discomfort he felt, and with a meek tone of voice, asked. "What did you mean, by what you just said? H-how are we supposed to pay you with credits if we cannot use our money to buy them?"