“So you never loved me!” she raised her voice, still on the verge of crying.
He looked down. Getting no reply from him, she stood up. “I think this is the end”
“No… look, Hailey--”
“I have looked enough, I have seen enough and I have heard enough” she calmed down as she felt all the urge, all the stamina draining. “I really had enough”
He sighed. “Look, you still--”
“I said I looked enough!” She raised her voice and he heard sobs from her side. He looked at her as she hid her tears with her hand, and tried hard not to break down. “Just leave” her voice broke.
Seeing her condition he stood up. “It is your decision--”
“Now don’t do what everyone does! Don’t break me and make me feel like it is my fault!”
He looked at her and then at the floor. He didn’t know what to say, he didn’t wanna hurt her more. “So what do you want?”
“Just… leave”
“But… I don’t wanna…”
“Is it my fault that you don’t wanna! Just leave!”
He sighed. “Okay…”
And then she looked at him, walking towards the door at the slowest speed possible. His footsteps made a numb sound, the shattered breath of both of them was audible, and the tears complimented the sobs that escaped their mouth. They were broken.
She heard the footsteps fading, followed by the closing of the door. She knew it. It could be the end or could be the start. It was in her hands, and only hers.