

“That’s enough” he finally closed the files. I sighed loudly. Finally this shit has ended. But it sure gave me a bad headache and I wanna die right now.

I got up. “I’ll just sleep--”

“Make me tea,” he interrupted me.

I stared at him and looked away as I was frustrated. I sighed loudly. I can’t!

“I am really tired”

“I don’t give a fuck--”

“And i don’t give a fuck about your business” I interrupted. I can’t take this anymore. “And I am gonna do what I want”

He smirked at me. “Hailey, tsk. You really think that can happen?”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Why am I asking my wife to make me tea?”

“No. Why are you torturing me?”

He stood up and I took a step back. “Do you even know what is torture?”

“Y-yeah, I have gone through it!”

He scoffed. “I can be worse”

“You are being worse!”

“Bitch, I can be worse!” he yelled and took my hand in his, by my wrist. His grip was too tight to bear. “Who do you think you are!?”