I couldn’t understand the relevance of this question.
“Huh?” I repeated, even if I had clearly heard it.
“Uh… I just asked, ‘Is he married?’”
“Why is that important?”
She didn’t reply for a minute, but then stood up. “Nothing. Her wife should be around”
I nodded. However, I didn’t believe that this was the reason for her asking that question. But, I couldn’t really put any blame on her.
“Okay, thanks” I gave her the money for examining him and she smiled and took it. Something was definitely fishy with her.
However, after she left, I just wished Hailey would come. Maybe I should tell her that he isn’t well.
I decided to call her.
“Alex, not again!” She was quite angry. “I said--”
“He isn't well, now will you leave this?”
She was quiet for the next twenty seconds. “I am coming”
I sighed and ended the call. I know she cares about him and that is good.