Chapter 49: I’ll Meet Him


I reached Russia and directly went to her rented apartment as told by my people who I issued to keep an eye on her back when I sent her here.

I had received a message from Matt that he has released her. He got hold of the Mafia people.

As I reached her house, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The door opened and Cassie was a little scared. When she saw me, she hugged me tightly.


Her voice broke as she got emotional. She just hugged me tightly as I hugged her back. After a moment, she got away and wiped the tears off her face.

“Come in”

I nodded and went inside with her. The house was pretty small but looked safe.

“Do you want any drinks?”

“Nope. How are you?”

“Fine… because of you”

I smiled. “Hm. You know… when I heard that you risked your life for me…”

“Well, it was also because they gave me no choice--”

“When you do good, you should learn to take the praise, Cassie”

She smiled softly. “Oh uh okay”