
"sort of contagious to speak about what matters most in CAULA. Have you thought of what happens out there?"

Prudy asks with a smirk on her face, they can all tell she is trying to make fun of the dean of students.

They all laugh, I don't join them. I am thinking, maybe more than I should. He just left for Seattle. He didn't say anything and I know I have been a bore in the past few days but, this is drastic if you were to ask me.

'he's just a boy Abigail. Just another boy.'

I take another drink and scoot closer to the group and do abit of a fake laugh just to fit in.

Kiara notices my mood and I appreciate that she does not call ms out right there with that crowd. I bite my tears back and roll my eyes to keep my tears in. This could have all been avoided if I just listened to Brandon. He was right. This would always be my fate. Broken, in tears and a party bore.

Not tonight. This is the night we forget all our problems and drink to Kiara and Prudy leaving me in this sh.t hole. Well, this is going to bw fun.

Their graduation is tomorrow and I cannot be here feeling bad about my choices. She handled here's well, why should I be the exception.

We have all tasted what it is like to be in campus on this side of America. Our diversity even makes it more fun. Kiara is the responsible one, until she is not, Prudy is the reckless and fun one,apparently fun has to be reckless. Me? I am something. I must be something. I am not sure what I am yet but. I am something for sure.😄.