chapter 8

Prudy's POV

"You!" Kiara says as she walks past me to Abbie. I already knew they were friends but what the hell was she doing here? "We need to leave. Now!" She says in her usual authoritative voice. Why does she like to take everyone from me? I can hear Abbie stuttering to confirm that she really doesn't know what was going on.

"What has she done to you?" I hear her ask and with that my innocent room ate looks up as if I am the one that's supposed to save her.

"Kiara get out of my room." My voice comes out weaker than I had intended. What does she mean what have I done to Abbie? What did she think I did to her?

"You should realise by now that you have no right to give me orders." She says still burning into Abbie's eyes but turns to look at me. "What other thingy have you had going with Abbie? She your new pet?"

This again Kiara? What did she think I was and she puts air quotation marks with her hands when saying thingy? Abbie called me out on the same only that she said I add ie instead of y and I want to laugh at that but...

"Don't you even go there Kiara, you seduced him on purpose!" It comes out before I can even think about it. I decided to forget this whole having girlfriends thingy after Kiara slept with my boyfriend. She was my best friend and roommate until one time she started all this I hate her and stuff and fighting with me over stuff I didnt really comprehend and finally I find out that she had been sleeping with Allan. Also her whole niggers plus that white nerd crew kept me in the dark about the whole issue. Then she is here acting all innocent!

"She's not going with you." There's no way I'm letting her take Abbie and how did they end up knowing each other? I had not thought about that when I saw that nerd "helping" Abbie or just making fun of her in the boutique. Mostly because I knew it was an embarrassing moment and didn't want to rub it on her face.

"Let's see about that." Kiara grabs Abbie's hand and pulls her but I jerk my only girlfriend's other arm.

"She stays. I say with much confidence.

"I didn't ask your fucking opinion on this. I say and it goes. You know why? I'm the fucking school president now and you cannot do a damn thing about it. If I have to transfer her to another room, I will!" I am disgusted at her choice of words. God, why is she so annoying! Abbie looks surprised. Of course she didn't tell the poor girl that she is the school president and just needed to look good. I let go of her hand, I'm really not in the mood for a fight, I'll let her make her choice. I say to myself even if I knew too well that I had lost, she's definitely going to choose her kind.

"Stop." I am startled at her sharp voice. How do people even manage to call my voice sharp? She folds her fingers into a fist like she always does when she wants to make a point.

"I have no idea why there's so much bad blood between you two but you don't own me Kiara! Prudy is my friend, not a psycho!" I am pleased she could defend me at the least. "I am an adult and I get to make my choices and... You are the school president??! Why didn't you tell me that?" I roll my eyes at her question.

"It didn't come up. Now let's go." Kiara says mostly ordering.

"No no no no. I don't think you herd me.I am not going anywhere." Abbie says it slowly and its tormenting really. She then turns to throw her big rounded eyes that really complemented well with her appearance on me and I curl back. She walks over to me and rests on my table.

" I am not staying either."

I stare at her sudden confidence and almost laugh at the thought that she is not staying. Who is she kidding, she cannot go to a club, I don't picture her as the girl that loves to hang out with drunks, where is she going? To the French coaching gay boy that she giggles with every time she picks her phone and speaks Fren... My thoughts are interrupted by the door locking.

"Open up! Fucking open this door." I hear Kiara say. She locked us in. Wow.

"Work out your issues madam president. My bed is empty. Bye. Oh, tell Prudy I got her keys." she what!

"You small fucking bitch!" I am hopping she didn't hear that.

"And please don't burn down my room there's expensive stuff in there." I hear her shout by the door.

" yooooou! Fuck!" I curse loud this time. "Looks like its just us in here." I face my side of the bed to try and catch some sleep. What was she thinking!

"Don't you even. This is your fucking fault! How long have you been planning this." I hear Kiara spit behind me.

Is she kidding me? I'm turning to her. No don't. You have to. How is this...

"What?" It came out more strongly than I intended. "Kiara, honesty something is so wrong with you. You sleep with my boyfriend, call me out in front of our friends and then come to my room to steal my roommate and it's my fault?" I manage a sacarstic laugh.

"I did that yes I admit it but you made sure I went through hell so don't you dare call me out on that!"

"I was expecting an apology but well, what hell, what did I ever do to you Kiara?"

" you mean apart from you took the place I should have in that band? I was the one auditioning in the first place!"

Why is she screaming at me?

"They told me to sing. I wasn't even in the audition list!"

"Exactly! They chose you because you are white!"

"What?!" I let out a sarcastic laugh. "They chose me because I can fucking play guitar and I'm sorry but let's be honest, you can hardly sing. Wait, so your desperate ass was jealous all along? Really girl? Is this why you cannot approve our band in your shitty school council? We'll guess what, we have gigs and concerts outside school grounds and they pay handsomely!"

"I'm sorry!! What can't you do." She calms down and sits on Abbie's bed. I stand over her still curious about what she was jealous about. " you roll skate."

"I offered to teach you, and you fucking play basketball!" Is she kidding me?

"You are in a band, you had guys all over you,"

"Damn it Kiara, you are the school president, everyone is all over you!"

"You...." She stops

"What now, what other crazy stuff do you blame me for."

"You called at the exact time I was auditioning for 'Grownish'. I know how fucked up that is, you will tell me you had an emergency but it cost me the role." Her voice is dangerously low as she says that and I sit on Abbie's bedside table and it shakes off the lamp which shatters behind me.

"Oh, shit!" I bite my lip but don't look down at the shattered pieces. "You should have stayed." I say feeling guilty for that last part. I really did mess her up trying to clean up my own mess. I had ODd and I had no one else to call.

"Don't." She says pulling her lips into a straight line and I feel tears clouding my eyes. "You could have died, and..." She is now literally sobbing and I feel bad for her. She had worked so hard for that show. "I wouldn't live with that."

"I'm sorry." She stands and brings me to a hug.

"I'm so sorry Prudy. When I realided Abbie was your roommate I wanted to use my position to piss you off and I'm sorry." She says between her sobs.

"It's okay, I hurt you too. Can we now think of how to get out of this place? I had a gig today." I change the topic to lighten up the mood. I don't do too well being emotional. She frees from my embrace and looks sorry for me. I know we cannot get any help now. Administrators are out, it's 3:12 In the morning and Abbie took all our keys. They have probably performed anyway. "Oh, shit!"

"What?" She asks surprised.

"My phone is off." I nearly jump to my side of the bed and grab my phone. I plug it to a charger and try to switch it on. Like I had expected, I have 18 messages  for calls Henry called, Sally called, Kayc called, Milena called, what were they all calling for if they had realized I was off! I open a voicemail from Henry.

"You didn't show up for the gig, you knew too well you were the lead Prudy! You are on fucking probation IDC how good you are!"

"What is wrong with this Henry guy. Give me a break, I just missed one damn gig! Fuck!" I curse loud and Kiara puts music on the music system I had in my room she turns it on and the whole house is vibrating. I roll my eyes at her and turn it down. "She said not to burn the house down." I turn it up to half volume and laugh. She joins me and a song we both loved, 'breathing' played. Later we played some rock songs and tried to roll our hair like the rock artists anx when we failed terribly and looked at the mirror, we laugh our heads out.

I unpacked some scotch I had just bought a few hrs ago and we take shots and later roll on the floor. It's 7 before we realize it and we begin cleaning the room.

"Abbie hates the slightest smell of liquor she'll be pissed and will fold her palms to a fist." I say and we both laugh at the idea of course before we hear...

"I'm coming in." And the door unlocks before we can even fix our hair and we stand straight wondering what to tell this girl. "Oh, boy." She says and locks herself out. We throw quick glances at each other and she opens again to find her staring at her. Please don't see please don't see. I cross my fingers but too late.

"I thought I said I had expensive stuff in here." She says in a dangerously low tone. My tongue is tied and I poke Kiara on her hip and she pokes me back.