chapter 15

Abbie's POV,

I couldn't stop smiling as I entered my room. Sally had dropped me a few meters from the hostels. He said he wasn't coming in for some reasons I was too engrosed by his smile earlier that I didn't even listen. Kiara and Prudy were both anxious when I yanked open the door and I try my best not to smile ridiculously.

"Are those Sally's clothes you are in?" Prudy calls me out and they giggle non stop until they realise how uncomfortable they are making me.

"So, how did it go ey?" Kiara moved dramatically to pull me to a seat.

"Gist us, c'mon." Prudy pouts and I cannot avoid it when my lips raise to form a bright grin.

"Aaah, must have been good ey." Kiara pats my shoulder slightly and gives Prudy a wink.

Prudy's face turns worried though and she leans foward to me.

"Be careful around that dude. He is not the kinda guy you wanna get attached to."

That puts me off abit. What do they think happened. Okay we have never been close to talking about hook ups with them but really what do they think happened.

"We didn't." I try to explain with my hands to avoid the part where i get shy and my cheeks are flushing.

"He carried you through campus. You don't want to mess around with him. He, he is complicated."

"I..." I look down then look up and roll my tongue trying to find the right words." I dont like him that way."

"Really? You are chewing your tongue." Kiara calls me out  and I release it fast. How do I get caught off guard every time.

"We were waiting on you for our girl's night at my place."

"Oh, yea I almost forgot. Did you shop today? How much do I owe you?" We had planned a slumber party with snacks and movies which I totally forgot.

"Girl, it's me we are talking about. Must I remind you how many times this school pays me?"

Oh no, not there.

"No, i know. Thanks." I hurry to my closet and pick a 'frozen' onesie and rush to the bathroom.

Kiara's POV

I had my house ready and since Abbie had never been here before I really wanted it to look the best. Abbie's reaction was exactly what I'd hoped to get form her. Prudy was used to my ego so I really didn't expect her to feed it as much. Besides she has been there so many times I lost count. The snacks and movies were ready so I let Abbie hop around in her ridiculous 'frozen' onesie. I prefered more mature stuff thats black and white for some reason to the pink pajamas that Prudy wore or the cartoon onesie Abbie had on.

"I'm too hungry for some popcorn and crackers. Don't you cook in this mansion?" Abbie says. I love the way she calls it mansion even if it's not nearly that big.

"Mr blue eyes didn't make you anything." Prudy fires back. That was exactly what I wanted to ask. She really gets me. Abbie as always folds her palms beside her hips and a chuckle escapes me but I quickly fake a cough to remind me that she is angry.

"We didn't get that time and can we discuss anything rather than that rude idiot?" There's something about her angry tone that gave out the idea that she really liked him but I push it behind.

"I odered buggers." I say and settle down to stuff popcorn to my face and I can feel her relax and take smaller handfuls of the popcorn.

"I met someone today." Oh my God I just said that out loud. They all turn to look at me in surprise and I can swear I feel prudy laughing at me inside. "Carl. He is my neighbor." I say not looking back at them. I might as well finish what I started. I can feel their intimidating glares on me.

"He white?" Prudy asks sounding interested. I had never dated a white guy though so I don't know why she'd ask me that.

"No." I pull the no dramatically forming a 'u' at the end and look back at them. "He is black." I turn back to the tv.

"Ah, you dating then?"

"Prudy? What is wrong?" She seems to have flipped off all over a sudden.

"Nothing. I'm just worried you might throw yourself to this dude too and end up getting hurt."

"I'm sorry, I don't throw myself to guys!" Why would she even say that!

"You mean like how you did not throw yourself at Allan? And let him fuck you just to get back at me?" Jesus! I admit I made a mistake with Allan but is she going to sing about it for the rest of our lives? I bite my tongue regretting ever bringing up Carl.

"I was just gonna tell you how amazing he is, to talk to. He has a girlfriend." I quickly regret that last bit and bring my lips into a line. Abbie is seated silently probably praying that we don't have a fight with Prudy.

"Why am I not surprised." She pulls a handful of popcorn into her mouth and  looks back at the movie which I wasn't even following.

"Okay, what the hell? Are we going to talk about this all year now? I thought I apologized for it!"

"That's your fucking problem Kiara! You think you can just do stuff and fucking apologize then everything will run alright!" She spits back.

"Who holds a grudge this long! Do you still have a problem with me? Allan doesn't fuck me anymore. He has a girlfriend now. He moved on and so should you!" I can't believe we are discussing this again. I mean what the hell is wrong with her!

"Is that why you wanna get to another girl's man now mmh? Is that what blacks do? Is it their thingy?" There we go.

"Will you stop being absurd?"

"Guys." Abbie is waving her hands on out faces and we both turn to look give her a cold glare. "Buggers are here." She smiles holding out the plastic bag. "You need to tip the guy." I knew she was talking to me and I walk past her to the door. I give a fake smile to the dude and hand him a few dollars which he appreciates and walks away. I close the door and look behind me.