Fallen Too Deep to Know

Mu Siyin felt helpless. "I used to think that way too, but that was before I had to deal with it. There are other things that are making me change my stance too."

Ji Yang asked, "What things?"

Mu Siyin frowned. She looked troubled.

She was not sure what those things were either. How was she supposed to tell Ji Yang what they were?

Nevertheless, she did not want to lie to Ji Yang, so she had no choice but to say, "His family found a matching partner of equal status and wealth for him."

"What?" Ji Yang's eyes popped out as she slammed the table.

Mu Siyin let out a sigh. "Don't get so worked out. Isn't that expected?"

Ji Yang creased her forehead. "What about Shi Beiyu? What does he think about it? If he wavers, you should leave him as soon as possible!"

Mu Siyin sounded hesitant when she said, "He...wants me to believe him, which I do, but I-I'm not confident about it."