Professional Troublemaker (2)

Originally, he thought that woman was trying to play hard to get just to attract his attention. However, after the incident just now, he realized he was wrong.

From the woman's eyes, there was not even the slightest bit of obsession for him. Instead, she looked at him as if she was looking at a stranger. A stranger who was a threat to her and her son. 

If so, should he re-examine the woman from another perspective?

As Mu Tingfeng thought about it, he instinctively reached out to touch his palm with the dull aching teeth marks. A glimpse of light darted across his pair of dark, blue eyes. 

Before Xia Zhetao had even snapped out of the lingering fear of death, he raised his head, only to see his superior staring at the teeth mark in a daze. He frowned and grew increasingly puzzled.