Unexpected Guests (3)

When the old man stepped out, the bodyguards who had tensed up immediately stood down. They bowed at him respectfully.

Uncle Zhao had heard the commotion outside. He was worried that the men outside had disrupted the former master of the house and the young master of the third generation and so, he had stepped out to take a look. 

The moment the old man opened the door and saw the mess outside, he was just as shocked in spite of his experience. His heart skipped a beat especially after he got a good look of the person who held the blade and had pressed it against the bodyguard's throat.

"Eldest lady, how did you… Stop it now, she's the eldest lady! You guys are blind! What would happen if she got hurt?!"

'The eldest lady?!' Everyone including Zhao Youlin were shocked when they heard Uncle Zhao call out her title.