Meeting An Old Friend At The Cemetery (2)

The moment Zhao Youlin said those words, Zhao Youxi's expression changed on the spot. Ever since she objected to whatever Zhao Youlin had in the meeting room to cause trouble to her, she had been having a hard time in the office. 

In the beginning, she was not bothered by it. After all, there were plenty of people who treated her and Zhao Shunrong as eyesores. Zhao Youxi always pretended that their hostility toward her was only because they were envious of her and Zhao Shunrong's good background, and she never paid attention to their little tricks. 

In any case, since she and Zhao Yifei were the young lady and young master of the family, even if these people thought that she was an eyesore, they would not dare to do anything to her.