A Beautiful Misunderstanding (1)

The sudden jerk caused the two people in the elevator to be a little caught off guard. 

Most of the time, the other employees in Zhao Enterprise took the elevators in front of the main hall. Meanwhile, since Zhao Youlin took a private elevator, it was located at a rather remote location, and it was hard for the others to find this place. 

Since it was rather remote, the lighting was definitely not that great. Usually, even if the lights were on in the elevator, it made no difference, but now, once the light went out, Zhao Youlin felt her vision suddenly turning dark, and she could no longer see anything. 

Then, the elevator under her feet seemed to have swayed a little, causing her body to sway against her control, and she instinctively let out a shout. 

Zhao Youlin originally thought that she was about to fall face first and faceplant on the ground. 

But the pain she expected did not come. Instead, she slammed into a sturdy but not stiff chest.