Suspicion (2)

A trace of panic flashed across Zhao Youlin's eyes. However, she quickly calmed herself down. She looked up to meet Qin Huai's intense gaze, and she smirked. "Mr. Qin, are you kidding me? Of course I'm familiar with the name. Who on Earth is not familiar with one's own name? Mr. Qin, is this what you want to know after beating around the bush for so long, about me knowing my own name?"

"You clearly know that's not what I'm asking…" Qin Huai grew more anxious when Zhao Youlin avoided his question. He spoke agitatedly, "Zhao Youlin is a female cop who died in the line of duty in the Shalnork police force a few months ago!"

Right after Qin Huai spoke, not only Zhao Youlin, but even Xia Zhetao, who had been eavesdropping on their conversation, froze. 'What did the man say? A policewoman in the Shalnork police force shared the name with the former Mrs. President? On top of that, that person… died in the line of duty?!'