A Close Call (2)

Xiao Jingyao looked intensely into Zhao Youlin's eyes before he spoke, "I've settled the things over at the police station. I've also made my statements. Although the police said they would focus on this investigation, let us not have high hopes in them. I've already sent someone to check the whereabouts of the people who have escaped. I believe there'll be results soon."

Zhao Youlin nodded. The police could not be counted to solve such matters on their own. This was because most of the time when the police could not find out the suspect, the case would be closed.

Instead, she was surprised to learn that the matter of her firing a gun before the crowd being resolved so easily.

As she thought over it, it was not so surprising. After all, with her current identity, the fact that she could escape the punishment for doing this was something that was within everyone's expectation.