About His Impotence (1)

Zhao Youlin was shocked by Duan Yarong's sudden change of attitude. She sucked in a deep breath, and asked stiffly, "Mother, what did Madam Mu say to you?"

Duan Yarong froze. She looked unnatural.

Zhao Youlin caught her glimpse of expression. As she expected, her mother's abrupt change of attitude was because of Su Ruixin.

Curiosity got the better of Zhao Youlin. She wondered what Su Ruixin had told Duan Yarong, and to everyone's surprise, she had actually convinced a resolute person to make a 180-degree turn.

Duan Yarong could not bear facing Zhao Youlin's intense gaze. She said awkwardly, "Youlin, some things are best to keep to ourselves. It would be very embarrassing if we laid everything out."

'So, what has Madam Mu told you to the extent that even an elegant and dignified woman like you could look so bashful and reluctant to talk about it?!'