Swpet Out (2)

By the time Nie Yunfan came back to his senses, he had already been completely shut outside the door. He stretched out his hand to knock on the door, but when he thought of what An Qi had just said, his hand froze in mid-air, unable to move any further.

The two of them stood by the door for a long time without saying another word.

After a long while, An Qi heard footsteps coming from outside the door. The footsteps echoed in the corridor, as if they were stepping on An Qi's heart. Finally, they disappeared around the corner.

The moment the footsteps disappeared, An Qi's back against the door slowly slid down. She stared blankly ahead, her eyes empty.

After a long time, drops of tears fell uncontrollably from her eyes and landed on the back of her hand.

An Qi covered her mouth and tried her best not to make any sound. However, she realized that it was just a trick to deceive herself.