Everyone Knows (2)

Zhao Youlin was speechless. So you know how much of an animal your cousin is!

Sure enough, Mu Tingfeng was only able to deceive those little cabbages outside who had not seen the world. People like them who knew his true colors all knew how he was actually... a beast!

Zhao Youlin was so scared by Su Qing's three-paragraph laughter that goosebumps all over her body sprouted up. She could only laugh obsequiously and give a perfunctory reply.

At first, Zhao Youlin was very patient and played along with those who called. Later, when she finally lost her patience, Zhao Youlin directly threw the phone at Mu Tingfeng and began to play dead.

When she was at home, she could still play dead. When she arrived at the company...

"General Manager, I heard that you're pregnant. Congratulations!"