You Traitor (2)

The old butler smiled and took Mu Tingfeng's coat. He looked at Luo Weibing with sympathy in his eyes.

Mu Tingfeng walked behind Zhao Youlin and pulled her into his arms. He asked gently, "How was your day? Are you tired?"

Zhao Youlin shook her head. "I'm fine, I'm not tired."

Although Zhao Youlin had a lot of work to do in her position, Zhao Shunrong could not let her work too hard in her current condition. Therefore, most of the work was taken over by Zhao Shunrong, she was just a helper in the company, so it was much easier for her.

The intimacy between the two of them that had no right being displayed so blatantly in public blinded the eyes of everyone present. Especially Luo Weibing, the singleton who saw the two of them showing off their love at such a close distance. The damage to him was multiplied.