Baring Your Fangs (1)

Zhao Youlin slowly walked over with her luggage. The empty building was so quiet that only the whistling of the wind and the sound of Zhao Youlin's footsteps could be heard.

"Wait!" Just when Zhao Youlin was about to reach Zhao Youming, Zhao Youming suddenly shouted in a low voice, causing Zhao Youlin to stop in her tracks.

"What's wrong?"

"You... put the money on the ground, right here." Zhao Youming pointed to a spot about one meter in front of him. He didn't intend to let Zhao Youlin get any closer. Obviously, he was still afraid of Zhao Youlin's skills. He didn't intend to let her get any closer.

Zhao Youlin pursed her lips and followed Zhao Youming's instructions. She bent down and put her luggage on the ground.

The moment she bent down, Zhao Youming's knife finally moved. It moved from Joy's neck to Zhao Youlin and stabbed at her ruthlessly.