Mutual _1

"I'm afraid that's the case." Song qingxiao sighed and agreed with number Seven's words.

Everyone was dead silent again.

Compared to the previous two trials, the difficulty of this trial had actually increased significantly. It was a Lost Island that might be filled with mutated beasts.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhou had anticipated this and had brought enough bullets, so that everyone had the power to resist in the event of danger.

However, with help, the mission's conditions were quite harsh.

The uncertainty of the time made song qingxiao a little restless. The urgency was like a Grim Reaper's scythe hanging over her head, which could come down at any time to take lives.

At this moment, song qingxiao began to miss the time limit of the last mission. Although the countdown of five days had made her restless, it was better than the uncertainty now.