Difficult _2


One after another, painful screams rang out in unison, as if thousands of dead souls were screaming in pain after being severely injured.

Several thick vines that surrounded Sage yueshu were cut in the middle, and black liquid flowed out with a foul smell, dripping down the treetops.

The undead bound at the top of the tree were tainted by the black gas and roared in anger.

The broken vines fell, turned into black mist, and were absorbed by the tree.

Sage yueshu's sealed head reappeared. He looked at song Qing Xiao with a grateful expression.

The cage formed by the black vines was broken, and this action seemed to have angered the 'giant tree'.

The spirits on the trees and vines were even more furious, while the bound magic beasts and bone Dragons roared in anger.

The ghost opened its arms and clawed at song Qing Xiao. Its vines rose high like legs and fell into the black ocean with a heavy thump. It quickly approached song Qing Xiao.