Heading to _3

Such clothes were naturally not very convenient for her now, as they would be destroyed at the slightest movement.

She had been drooling for a long time about the cloud brocade clothes that su Wu had mentioned, which had a certain level of defense and could transform at will. Since she was here, it would be a pity not to take a look.

Su Wu's thoughts were quickly interrupted by her, and he instinctively snorted, "

"Take a look? Do you have money? Do you know what the currency in the human realm upon heavens is?"

As expected, the penniless song qingxiao was taken aback by his questions.

She had been hunted down by the clan all these years and had hidden in the sea of stars. She had long lost the concept of money-after all, the trial-takers had almost everything that the divine incarcerate lacked.

After su Wu's reminder, song qingxiao began to regret not getting some money from Xiang four when she left the Xiangjiang clan.