Snatch (unedited) _3

When he said this, he turned to look at Mr. Xuanmiao, who felt uncomfortable.

"The East Qin clan is especially good at this method, right, Mr. Xuanmiao?"

Tai kangwu's words were full of sarcasm and Mister xuanmiao was furious, but he didn't want to fall for his trick. He could only keep this debt in his heart and coldly snorted,


Hearing this, song qingxiao laughed.

"In other words, there is an unspoken rule in the divine incarcerate trials that the treasures belong to those who are powerful." She looked at the wondrous pen and asked, "

"Am I right?"

"That's right,"

Under her gaze, the wondrous pen nodded and responded.

"So East Qin's anatta skills are inferior to others and they are too incompetent. What's wrong with me obtaining the taihao heavenly book?"

Song qingxiao touched the silver Wolf, looked at the wonderful pen, and asked him.