My Husband is a Movie Star

The 77th Wanhua Award Presentation Ceremony was held at Yehai City. Many celebrities have gathered here at Yehai tonight. They include renowned directors of Huaxia and A-List celebrities. Fans were also present to support their idols. Mainstream media, as well as the internet media, were all live broadcasting the ceremony. The night was dedicated to the entertainment industry, and everyone in the nation was watching the grand ceremony.

The drone flew above the grounds where the ceremony was held in Ye Hai. There were many people and fans waving boards written with the names of the celebrities they supported could be seen. Vans drove up to the red carpet, and the celebrities walked on the carpet, smiling graciously at the cameras in front of them.

Feng Lanchu waddled around the living room with her enormous belly. She watched as the female celebrities smile graciously and calmly even though their shoulder were bare in the cold winter and could not help but feel respect for them.

Even though she was pregnant, Feng Lanchu continued to exercise every day. As her belly grew larger and larger as her delivery date approached, she turned from jogging around the neighborhood to walking slowly around the living room.

To pass the time, she would switch on the TV to watch the National Geographic Channel or some other program. She did not expect that the award ceremony would take over the usual channel that she watched. Feng Lanchu could not be bothered to change the channel, so she critiqued the ceremony.

That dress is so pretty. Just looking at it made one feel cold.

That person's hair was all messy after the wind had gotten to it, but he looks so handsome as he smooths down his hair elegantly.

That hot young man has wide shoulders and long legs. His features were really exquisite.

Tsk tsk, she couldn't recognize a single person in the entertainment industry at all...

The camera panned around the red carpet area, and the screen suddenly cut to a van. The host hurriedly introduced the next celebrity.

"Next, we have movie star, Jiang Anzhi. Jiang Anzhi has been nominated as best actor at the 77th Wanhua Award Presentation Ceremony for his movie, The Red Plum Blossom. If he takes the prize today, this would be his fifth time winning the best actor award."

Feng Lanchu ignored the lengthy introduction. She only heard one thing- the celebrity shared the same name as her husband.

Fans started screaming on the television. After that, a pair of leather shoes that had been shone brightly stepped out from the van. The camera director knew what the fans wanted very well, and the camera slowly panned up. Long legs, a narrow waist, and broad shoulders. This was the golden triangle ratio. It kept everyone in suspense, and then, the camera focused on the man's face.

Feng Lanchu's heart lurched. She was stunned.

What... the heck!

The two not only shared the same name, they even looked alike.

However, her husband was more gentle and harmless, but the man on the screen looked sharper and colder.

Jiang Anzhi slowly walked towards the red carpet and smiled at the camera. The light smile on his face immediately melted away the sharpness in his eyes. He immediately started to look gentle and amicable.

Feng Lanchu was shocked. A throbbing pain started across her belly. She looked down. Her waters had broken, and the floor was wet.

..." Feng Lanchu screamed, "Mom!"

Help! She was about to give birth.

Her mother-in-law came down the stairs and hurriedly made calls. Soon, the sirens of the ambulance wailing could be heard at the entrance of the house. Then, she was carried into the ambulance on a stretcher like a roasted pig and was pushed into the delivery room...

The doctor checked her out and said,

"Your waters have broken, but you are only one centimeter dilated. You can wait a bit."

And so, she was brought from the delivery room to the labor ward. After much kerfuffle, Feng Lanchu was finally settled into the labor ward for the moment.

The VIP labor ward was a single room. To distract her, the nurse had helpfully switched on the TV. The award presentation ceremony was on again.

They were announcing who had won the best actor award. When the host called out Jiang Anzhi's name, everyone burst into applause and yells of support.

Urgh... She didn't want to watch this anymore! Can someone switch off the TV?

The pain in her stomach grew stronger and stronger. Under the emotional and physical turmoil, scenes of how the two of them had met 11 months ago played in front of Feng Lanchu's eyes.